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7 eleven frequenters thread
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how many of you regularly visit 7 eleven, what do you regularly get there, how many rewards points do you have saved up

i get a hot dog and a big gulp pretty regularly as well as wings. brisk iced tea too

i spent all my rewards points recently but i had up to 3000 for a bit

how many of you regularly visit 7 eleven, what do you regularly get there, how many rewards points do you have saved up

i get a hot dog and a big gulp pretty regularly as well as wings. brisk iced tea too

i spent all my rewards points recently but i had up to 3000 for a bit
69 Frags +


-7 Frags +

sheetz is better than 7-eleven

sheetz is better than 7-eleven
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u sick bums get your cigarettes and lottery tickets and get outta here

u sick bums get your cigarettes and lottery tickets and get outta here
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messiahu sick bums get your cigarettes and lottery tickets and get outta here

it was so hard to sit behind this homeless guy who smelled rancid and watch him pour through this pocket of change to have enough for his 40oz the other day

[quote=messiah]u sick bums get your cigarettes and lottery tickets and get outta here[/quote]
it was so hard to sit behind this homeless guy who smelled rancid and watch him pour through this pocket of change to have enough for his 40oz the other day
12 Frags +

my apartment has a 7-11 on the ground floor

i have 1500 rn i don't wanna know how much i've got total

the only thing worth getting that 7-11 makes themselves are the taquitos
the wings, sandwiches, etc aren't edible


my apartment has a 7-11 on the ground floor

i have 1500 rn i don't wanna know how much i've got total

the only thing worth getting that 7-11 makes themselves are the taquitos
the wings, sandwiches, etc aren't edible

7 Frags +
tatuwahmy apartment has a 7-11 on the ground floor

i have 1500 rn i don't wanna know how much i've got total

the only thing worth getting that 7-11 makes themselves are the taquitos
the wings, sandwiches, etc aren't edible


if you get most of the food too late at night including the taquitos they can be pretty bad but if you go in early afternoon and its fresh them shits are amazing

[quote=tatuwah]my apartment has a 7-11 on the ground floor

i have 1500 rn i don't wanna know how much i've got total

the only thing worth getting that 7-11 makes themselves are the taquitos
the wings, sandwiches, etc aren't edible

if you get most of the food too late at night including the taquitos they can be pretty bad but if you go in early afternoon and its fresh them shits are amazing
-18 Frags +

why not just go to an actual restaurant or like food place instead of buying meals at gas stations / convenience stores? I never understand why someone would want to eat food sold at a gas station

why not just go to an actual restaurant or like food place instead of buying meals at gas stations / convenience stores? I never understand why someone would want to eat food sold at a gas station
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cuz it's super cheap and right next door

cuz it's super cheap and right next door
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I make food at home

I make food at home
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listen guys lets keep the thread 7 eleven focused okay?

listen guys lets keep the thread 7 eleven focused okay?
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niaazwhy not just go to an actual restaurant or like food place instead of buying meals at gas stations / convenience stores? I never understand why someone would want to eat food sold at a gas station

yeah lol like if ur poor just eat expensive food and be happy lol

[quote=niaaz]why not just go to an actual restaurant or like food place instead of buying meals at gas stations / convenience stores? I never understand why someone would want to eat food sold at a gas station[/quote]
yeah lol like if ur poor just eat expensive food and be happy lol
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i get a couple buffalo chicken taquitos, maybe a redbull if im feeling like it

i get a couple buffalo chicken taquitos, maybe a redbull if im feeling like it
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i have a 7/11 on campus, i usually get a bag of mints to keep in my school bag and some form of iced tea beverage to drink during my next class, maybe some kind of candy too depending on how i feel

i have a 7/11 on campus, i usually get a bag of mints to keep in my school bag and some form of iced tea beverage to drink during my next class, maybe some kind of candy too depending on how i feel
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11 Frags +
niaazwhy not just go to an actual restaurant or like food place instead of buying meals at gas stations / convenience stores? I never understand why someone would want to eat food sold at a gas station

not everybody has mommy pay for their stuff

[quote=niaaz]why not just go to an actual restaurant or like food place instead of buying meals at gas stations / convenience stores? I never understand why someone would want to eat food sold at a gas station[/quote]
not everybody has mommy pay for their stuff
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nothing wrong with that

nothing wrong with that
17 Frags +

The only true tell of time passing is noticing the next Free Slurpee Day (7/11) is coming awfully fast since the last one...

The only true tell of time passing is noticing the next Free Slurpee Day (7/11) is coming awfully fast since the last one...
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#1 7 eleven fan in the USA carter end of story

#1 7 eleven fan in the USA carter end of story
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there are no 7/11's in my town, we have village pantry instead

but theres a speedway that i always go to for gas station food and stuff it's pretty good and i just cashed in my points for a hundo gift card

there are no 7/11's in my town, we have village pantry instead

but theres a speedway that i always go to for gas station food and stuff it's pretty good and i just cashed in my points for a hundo gift card
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I am at gas stations all the time for work getting 100$+ worth of fuel for work, but i always thought the unwritten rule was never to eat the food there. O.o

I am at gas stations all the time for work getting 100$+ worth of fuel for work, but i always thought the unwritten rule was never to eat the food there. O.o
3 Frags +
frenzy_I am at gas stations all the time for work getting 100$+ worth of fuel for work, but i always thought the unwritten rule was never to eat the food there. O.o

i think you're thinking of gas station sushi

[quote=frenzy_]I am at gas stations all the time for work getting 100$+ worth of fuel for work, but i always thought the unwritten rule was never to eat the food there. O.o[/quote]

i think you're thinking of gas station sushi
1 Frags +


yo you guys want anything from plaid


yo you guys want anything from plaid
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let me a get a ginger ale and re up on my juul real fast, kawa

let me a get a ginger ale and re up on my juul real fast, kawa
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im pretty sure the only thing I've bought in 7/11 in my entire life is pokemon cards, sim card, slurpee and like maybe a hot dog

im pretty sure the only thing I've bought in 7/11 in my entire life is pokemon cards, sim card, slurpee and like maybe a hot dog
3 Frags +

the last 2 years of high school walked past a 7/11 everyday getting off the bus; nearly daily taquitos ruled

mixing slurpee flavors is always a big poggers

the last 2 years of high school walked past a 7/11 everyday getting off the bus; nearly daily taquitos ruled

mixing slurpee flavors is always a big poggers
0 Frags +

2 for $3.50 8)

2 for $3.50 8)
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20 Frags +

wawa is without question superior to seven eleven in every single way

wawa is without question superior to seven eleven in every single way
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alright 7/11 a block from my house, it's kinda bs that u don't have a 4-pack of mint pods and ur 2-packs are almost as pricey as the 4-pack what gives

alright 7/11 a block from my house, it's kinda bs that u don't have a 4-pack of mint pods and ur 2-packs are almost as pricey as the 4-pack what gives
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