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SteamID64 76561198001693793
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:20714032
Country Northern Mariana Islands
Signed Up August 21, 2012
Last Posted July 25, 2024 at 7:48 PM
Posts 568 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity -frags don't matter
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse micro$oft intellimouse 3.0
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 38
#55 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

triathletes train like 10% of their time on the swim so its obviously not that important, and I'd argue if you're bad on the bike then you don't have legs/stamina for the run.

posted 7 months ago
#51 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

in a triathlon swimming is the shortest and matters the least, while the bike is most important. I won't delve into the tf2 logic cuz op is trolling

posted 7 months ago
#17 Ergonomic mouse users in Hardware

I had really bad tendonitis in my wrist. like couldn't touch a computer for a year bad, and took many years to recover.

-the best mouse is a trackball. specifically logitech mx ergo. assuming your thumb is ok, bc thats more of a console gamer injury. this is the best setup because you don't have to move your wrist to use it, and its at the angle in between vertical and horizontal which is the most natural. if you want to use a normal mouse a very low flat mouse will be best such as the ninox aurora shape (there may be a newer option though) so that you can keep your wrist in line with your hand without bending it, and as light as possible so it takes little force to move it. a hard pad and low friction mouse feet may help a bit. vertical mice did not help.

-ice it. this basically saved my wrist as it was in this death spiral of swells more > injured more > swells more > injured more etc. a thin cloth that's wet with medium crushed ice inside works the best as smaller pieces can wrap around for superior coverage and the water from melting also helps. a tall bucket or bath of ice cold water is really good. running the tap on it is ok.
you can also use nsaids such as ibuprofen but they should be used sparingly for flare ups because they can cause stomach/heart issues which I had. take with food. for me personally heat didnt help at all it, the opposite it would just increase my swelling which would make everything hurt and even become numb. your experience may vary here. I showered with a wet cold hand towel on my wrist to prevent overheating and swelling.

-this should go without saying: rest it. wank with your left hand idc. brush your teeth with left hand. and don't carry stuff.
it can take forever to heal if you push it. I did over 4 years of damage in like 5 minutes.

-be careful with stretching. my doctor gave me a sheet of like 10 stretches and I could not do any of them for a very long time, I would've damaged my wrist so badly if I listened to him. even unclenching my fist was a stretch. but its good to stretch when you're ready. you can do some strength training after its healed after being stretched but be really careful not to overdo it.

-sleep with your wrist flat. I didn't use a brace often because it didn't fit perfect for this. I would just dangle my hand half off the bed, but a brace can help probably something custom to support the wrist by the palm of your hand would be perfect..

-vitamin wise magnesium helps, or magnesium calcium because they need to be balanced.

posted 8 months ago
#3 What if they let you climb ladders in The Dumpster

what if there was snakes

posted about 3 years ago
#25 Who is the oldest comp tf2 player in Off Topic
Manwithnolegsmanwithnolegs. iam in my 60s. I fought ww2 against evil men. Lost both of my legs. Im older than nati0n.
Either im 67 cause i fought in ww2 and lost my voice
either im 18 and my microphone broken
or either iam 14.
U decide

At 67 you wouldn't even be born during ww2.

Let me just say I'm a ww2 veteran in medal of honor and cod, and that was also before you were born.

posted about 3 years ago
#3715 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I just wanted to have it done before Cyberpunk releases (Nov. 19th).

I'm skeptical Zen 3 is going to beat Comet Lake in FPS specially overclocked which is why I'm not sure I want to wait, but maybe its worth it.

On the GPU side AMD has been flailing around since Ampere, if they had anything they wouldn't be marketing Walmart tier bicycles.

posted about 4 years ago
#3713 PC Build Thread in Hardware

do you guys think pc games will actually use 8 cores soon because of the consoles and therefore I should get a 10700k, or just get the 10600k?

posted about 4 years ago
#13 be honest in TF2 General Discussion

I used to play a game where if you leaned a certain way the viewpoint (and shots) were coming from slightly outside your hitbox so it gave the opposite effect. If you humped the fuck out of the corner you could snipe a pixel of someone with no angle possible on you until the recoil animation.

posted about 4 years ago
#27 unironic "how do i get a life?" thread in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#1081 worst steam profile in Off Topic

can I join anti-furry jumpers tho?

posted about 5 years ago
#3382 PC Build Thread in Hardware

650w G3 was $5 more than 550w G2.
and yea im glad i can make a build that isn't trash

posted about 5 years ago
#3380 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulWhat minor crashing?
Aftermarket coolers are coming in August afaik.

RTX is like Gameworks for raytracing, mostly software and a handful of hardware instructions. Performance impact on GTX is like 1.5x the impact on RTX, so it's not all that much. It'll probably end up like Hairworks again, where the default, highest settings murder any GPU anyway and the reasonable, playable settings run reasonably well on AMD too.

radeon image sharpening was causing crashes but I guess its fixed now? just the old drivers. unfortunately can't wait for the aib cards when expected date is like aug 20th.

Maybe consider an Intel 660p 1tb m.2 instead of the Samsung, use the extra 140 or so to grab a good sized HDD for his games and porn music, and I'd grab a cheap rx470/570/480/580 until aftermarket 5700XTs come out. I'd personally avoid the RTX cards as the ray tracing hardware on those cards is bound to be insufficient for most ray traced games in future anyhow, so the premium being paid isn't worth it.

he said he doesn't need a lot of hdd space, maybe that m2 wouldve been nice to save money. not a bad idea with getting a temp card but hes not really the patient type to say the least.

and yea what you guys said about RTX is fair enough, seems quite worthless. when quake 2 with RTX can't even get a good frame rate Lol.

anyways he's bought it, not sure what video card he got I left it up to him, rest is the same except the mobo that was recommended and I found a better psu.

posted about 5 years ago
#3377 PC Build Thread in Hardware

kay ill get that mobo

still considering 5700 xt its like 80cad cheaper or so but shitty blower cooler and I guess it has some minor crashing + no rtx (which doesn't matter, but maybe a little when cyberpunk 2077 comes out?) so I'm not sure

posted about 5 years ago
#4 memory of video GAME in The Dumpster

tf2 so i can stop visiting these forums

posted about 5 years ago
#3375 PC Build Thread in Hardware

building a PC for my roomate,

1800-2k CAD budget, no mail-in rebate, no vuuvo
usage is gaming
no overclocking

here's what I got so far, but feel free to make w/e build

no idea about mobo. might have to swap in a x570 atx mobo and a fullsize case?

posted about 5 years ago
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