I've been playing medic for about six months now (2 UGC seasons, last season in CEVO-O and now ESEA-O this season with No Homers) and I recognize I have a long way to go but starting to struggle in figuring out where I'm going wrong in specific mechanics or calls. I also think I need to improve my calls (I don't main call for my team but definitely can improve here).
My team plays very flank-heavy so advice in adjusting to that would be fantastic as I think I'm surely not distributing heals and handling positioning as well as I could.
My team is relatively new-ish to Open and it's hard for me to tell where I'm going wrong vs. we're all going wrong - each requires a different approach to start correcting and I want to help us get better every week this season!
I'm looking for someone with a fair amount of experience who could review a couple demos and help me identify flaws and get on the path to correcting them. It doesn't need to be a whole ton of time at all - I really only have weekend nights free (kid, job do a number on availability), but if you can help I'd really appreciate it.