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Signed Up August 3, 2013
Last Posted January 17, 2025 at 11:46 AM
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#6 Send Witness Gaming EU to Denver LAN 2025! in LAN Discussion

That's awesome, thank you!

posted 2 months ago
#4 Send Witness Gaming EU to Denver LAN 2025! in LAN Discussion

Donated, really looking forward to seeing International competition again!

The Unusual Raffle is off the list of perks - did it sell out already or did something change?

posted 2 months ago
#5 RGL S17 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Just a reminder that the Season 17 team creation deadline is Saturday, Jan. 11th, at midnight, EST.

Teams planning to register for Invite or who have interest in Invite Qualifiers (if needed) may reach out directly to either me or Kitty before the registration deadline.

We will be planning to have a pre-season meeting with Invite team leaders either Jan 11th or 12th, depending on availability, to go over important details, including map pool, pick/bans, match/playoff schedules and - very importantly - the RGL Match servers beta.

posted 2 months ago
#245 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

I think that might be a issue as I've been seeing that happen in scrims on a few different servers the last couple of days.

posted 4 months ago
#17 RGL S16 IM/AM/NEW Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Saph's IM spreadsheet thread here.
(I suppose might as well just link the sheet)

posted 5 months ago
#9 having raising canes for the first time today in Off Topic

Raising Cane's is very good. The Chik-fil-a swag cow on he other hand. . .

posted 6 months ago
#7 what inspires your team names? in TF2 General Discussion
brodycan someone explain whats funny about "Dead Ringer Storage"? is it a reference to something? or a play on words?
i dont get it

pulp fiction reference for us boomers.

posted 9 months ago
#10 A Request for Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
dbkYou make some other good points about availability and pug quality, but this is not a prevalent issue for TF2Center in my recent experience.

I am glad if that's the case, I don't mean to imply it's like that now.

I really mean more that anywhere without strong gatekeeping has a real risk of being infiltrated and ruined by those folks. I've seen it happen in other sites and groups many times and so I am wary of any open access pug service, I imagine I am not alone in that, is all.

posted 9 months ago
#4 A Request for Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

As an older, mediocre player with life responsibilities, the current situation is awful. The limited time I can set aside to play the game, waiting around 30-45 minutes for a pug that may or may not start is terrible. I would love if we can get back to having a service that I can reliably know a pug will start at any time. I don't think I've played a pug in at least two years, and it saddens me.

The current state of in-house pugs is terrible because it's fragmented such that pugs can only happen at time when a critical mass of that subgroup are on, all other times there's never a critical mass anywhere, even if there might be 20-30 folks open to play among all of them - there's no way for them to know.
Even TF2CC, which is probably the most workable for newbies -IM/Main level pugs are still running consistently only in the hours before scrims. Weekends are dead, after scrims are sporadic.

Given how prevalent trolls and cheaters are as Valve gave up on policing the game, truly open experiences like tf2center are a big risk and I have no interest in devoting time to them knowing odds are good it'll be terrible. It may be hard to ever bring them back to the old popularity because of that.

I have high hopes for RGL open pugs, but they don't seem to attract much vs. captain pugs, would love to hear why more people don't try to utilize them and what could be done to get more adding up.

posted 9 months ago
#12 Fireside Cup Spring 2024 Powered with EssentialsTF announced in News
bearodactylHow will ringers and scheduling be handled, the site only allowed six names to be added to a roster but if it’s two weeks Monday through Thursday each day I’ll need to find ringers for certain days

You are supposed to be able to roster up to 8 players. If you're having issues with that, post your players in the cup-support channel in the Fireside Discord and we'll get them added.

In the rules, teams may also ring up to two players not rostered with the agreement of the opposing team.

As far as scheduling, group stage matches are planned for 10:30 EDT May 13-16. Playoffs at 10 EDT May 20-23.

posted 10 months ago
#6 Miggy's Highlander Charity Cup viewers' guide in News

Draft format is interesting, and will be great to hear eXtine casting again.

posted 11 months ago
#4 vhalin soldier flowchart in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#46 RGL S13 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
MelonssMelonsshere it is!Sheet updated to include Week 4 matches o7

Thanks for keeping this up, it's injected a little fun energy into the season.

But please, please replace Diop with Jaguar on scout our team so I stop hearing half my team complain about it in scrims every night.

posted about a year ago
#31 RGL S13 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
MelonssALSO PLEASE LMK IF I GOT YOUR ROSTER WRONG! Right now each team only has six players to keep their total score fair. To do this I simply chose the players with the highest scores, so if your roster is incorrect, dm me the correction and I'll fix when I can!

Good luck on your matches this week, everyone!

You could probably get 95% of the way there by pulling down the paid roster for each team, maybe?

posted about a year ago
#8 RGL S13 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I was away for week 1, so not sure why I have scout stats on your spreadsheet.

posted about a year ago
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