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Donald Trump
posted in World Events
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Top video explaining the issue of Muslims from high risk areas. inb4 "SHEEPY HATES MUSLIMS!!!"


Top video explaining the issue of Muslims from high risk areas. inb4 "SHEEPY HATES MUSLIMS!!!"
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good, then move on and ignore the facts, whatever makes you feel better

good, then move on and ignore the facts, whatever makes you feel better
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Trump will make ANIME great again.

but really, I think most of the hatred for trump is just people following what they see in the media (99% of the media being extremely liberal and anti-trump)


Every time there's a change in the US is when republicans are at power. And every time they have the plurality, democrats call them out for being rich. Political ballet.


Trump will make ANIME great again.

but really, I think most of the hatred for trump is just people following what they see in the media (99% of the media being [i]extremely[/i] liberal and anti-trump)[/quote]


Every time there's a change in the US is when republicans are at power. And every time they have the plurality, democrats call them out for being rich. Political ballet.
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Welp, every primary that Drumpf wins means one step closer to moving to Denmark.

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Donald failing to condemn the support of the KKK pretty much sums him up as a candidate
Welp, every primary that Drumpf wins means one step closer to moving to Denmark.

[spoiler]Donald failing to condemn the support of the KKK pretty much sums him up as a candidate[/spoiler]
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Top video explaining the issue of Muslims from high risk areas. inb4 "SHEEPY HATES MUSLIMS!!!"

holy fuck this video is eye-opening


Top video explaining the issue of Muslims from high risk areas. inb4 "SHEEPY HATES MUSLIMS!!!"[/quote]

holy fuck this video is eye-opening
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liasWelp, every primary that Drumpf wins means one step closer to moving to Denmark.

hows denmark? i was thinking about canada

[quote=lias]Welp, every primary that Drumpf wins means one step closer to moving to Denmark.[/quote]

hows denmark? i was thinking about canada
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trippaliasDonald failing to condemn the support of the KKK pretty much sums him up as a candidate


Yeah he had a "bad earpiece," that's believable. Even racists know that they can't be racist in public. Donald is playing this so perfectly, he does this so that racists are like "yep this is our guy" and then he comes out the next day and then blames it on a bad earpiece which I'm sure his idiotic support group will believe.

[quote=trippa][quote=lias]Donald failing to condemn the support of the KKK pretty much sums him up as a candidate[/quote]


Yeah he had a "bad earpiece," that's believable. Even racists know that they can't be racist in public. Donald is playing this so perfectly, he does this so that racists are like "yep this is our guy" and then he comes out the next day and then blames it on a bad earpiece which I'm sure his idiotic support group will believe.
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liasDonald failing to condemn the support of the KKK pretty much sums him up as a candidate

The way people are trying to shut down trump is plain fucking stupid. Like how a few days a go Trump tweeted a quote from some Italian facist and people jumped on him for posting a nice quote just because some "bad" guy said it. If Hitler said that he likes eggs does that mean everyone who likes eggs supports Hitler? Same with this KKK guy, I don't see why he should have to react because some guy in the KKK said that people should vote for him. People are acting like this means he supports the KKK. I don't even care about Trumps politics I just wanna see him win to spite these people.

Donald failing to condemn the support of the KKK pretty much sums him up as a candidate[/quote]

The way people are trying to shut down trump is plain fucking stupid. Like how a few days a go Trump tweeted a quote from some Italian facist and people jumped on him for posting a nice quote just because some "bad" guy said it. If Hitler said that he likes eggs does that mean everyone who likes eggs supports Hitler? Same with this KKK guy, I don't see why he should have to react because some guy in the KKK said that people should vote for him. People are acting like this means he supports the KKK. I don't even care about Trumps politics I just wanna see him win to spite these people.
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If you support a candidate that is backed by a group of white supremacists, you should probably reconsider who you are voting for.

If you support a candidate that is backed by a group of white supremacists, you should probably reconsider who you are voting for.
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how many europeans are discussing us politics?

how many europeans are discussing us politics?
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quintoshhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnpO_RTSNmQquintoshgood, then move on and ignore the facts, whatever makes you feel better

I'm sure you do that as well, as an eternally angry furry, you need to soothe yourself by a narrative brought by a comedian, on a show owned by Time Warner, who's current CEO Jeff Bewkes personally donated to Rubio http://www.opensecrets.org/usearch/?q=bewkes&cx=010677907462955562473%3Anlldkv0jvam&cof=FORID%3A11 and who's multinational, Time Warner bankrolled the democrats http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/06/media-political-donations-democrats_n_1855502.html. So you take a media show as your source of facts and call others ignorant? Krankzinnig.

liasIf you support a candidate that is backed by a group of white supremacists, you should probably reconsider who you are voting for.


yea, he seems very supportive of this protestor who alludes to it.

I think it's funny to me, that euros can show themselves as so dumb while gloating they are so much smarter than Americans, don't be fooled a lot of Germans and other Europeans are fiercely anti-American, so they will develop delusions like this.


as you can see on the poll the BBC did in 2014, Germany is in the presence of other great nations like Pakistan, China and Russia in their Anti-Americanism with 57% Unfavourable rating. That's what you get USA for protecting them against the USSR for 50 years.


[quote=quintosh]good, then move on and ignore the facts, whatever makes you feel better[/quote]

I'm sure you do that as well, as an eternally angry furry, you need to soothe yourself by a narrative brought by a comedian, on a show owned by Time Warner, who's current CEO Jeff Bewkes personally donated to Rubio http://www.opensecrets.org/usearch/?q=bewkes&cx=010677907462955562473%3Anlldkv0jvam&cof=FORID%3A11 and who's multinational, Time Warner bankrolled the democrats http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/06/media-political-donations-democrats_n_1855502.html. So you take a media show as your source of facts and call others ignorant? Krankzinnig.

[quote=lias]If you support a candidate that is backed by a group of white supremacists, you should probably reconsider who you are voting for.[/quote]

yea, he seems very supportive of this protestor who alludes to it.

I think it's funny to me, that euros can show themselves as so dumb while gloating they are so much smarter than Americans, don't be fooled a lot of Germans and other Europeans are fiercely anti-American, so they will develop delusions like this.


as you can see on the poll the BBC did in 2014, Germany is in the presence of other great nations like Pakistan, China and Russia in their Anti-Americanism with 57% Unfavourable rating. That's what you get USA for protecting them against the USSR for 50 years.
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People shoving a black protestor out of a Trump while screaming deragatory curses at her. That's the group of people you stand with.


People shoving a black protestor out of a Trump while screaming deragatory curses at her. That's the group of people you stand with.
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flyyyyhow many europeans are discussing us politics?

I'm American, not Danish, though I wish I was. Trippa is also American, I can only assume that he has an Italian flag because he supports Mussolini.

[quote=flyyyy]how many europeans are discussing us politics?[/quote]

I'm American, not Danish, though I wish I was. Trippa is also American, I can only assume that he has an Italian flag because he supports Mussolini.
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People shoving a black protestor out of a Trump while screaming deragatory curses at her. That's who you're voting for.


they would have yelled at him, black or white, what's way worse is guild tripping people to give money for a cause and then line your own pockets.


People shoving a black protestor out of a Trump while screaming deragatory curses at her. That's who you're voting for.[/quote]

they would have yelled at him, black or white, what's way worse is guild tripping people to give money for a cause and then line your own pockets.
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Realistically, I can't see Trump winning the Presidential election, especially against Clinton. Clinton's moderate views may have turned off several of the left-wing demographic who supported Sanders during the Democrat primaries, but come November, there's no chance in hell the Sanders supporters will vote Republican, let alone Trump, and unless they waste their vote on a third-party, their votes will be going to Clinton. The moderates will be turned off by Trump's extremist views, which will further solidify Clinton's route to the White House. To add to this, a few Republicans are repulsed with the idea of Trump becoming President, which could easily see votes flow away from the Republican and into the Democrats favour. This isn't a large percentage of course, but these aren't just votes disappearing from the GOP, these are votes reappearing on the other side of the fence, which has twice the impact.

Trump will earn votes from the die-hard Republicans, even those currently backing other candidates and will secure common strongholds within the Republican dominated states, but will struggle in most other areas. His anti-political rhetoric is attractive to the undecided voter, but ultimately, I can't see enough of them voting Trump to give him the edge over Clinton.

As a side-note, it's so cute seeing Chris Christie attempting to cling onto relevancy. He's trying so hard to be Trump's running mate, it hurts.

Realistically, I can't see Trump winning the Presidential election, especially against Clinton. Clinton's moderate views may have turned off several of the left-wing demographic who supported Sanders during the Democrat primaries, but come November, there's no chance in hell the Sanders supporters will vote Republican, let alone Trump, and unless they waste their vote on a third-party, their votes will be going to Clinton. The moderates will be turned off by Trump's extremist views, which will further solidify Clinton's route to the White House. To add to this, a few Republicans are repulsed with the idea of Trump becoming President, which could easily see votes flow away from the Republican and into the Democrats favour. This isn't a large percentage of course, but these aren't just votes disappearing from the GOP, these are votes reappearing on the other side of the fence, which has twice the impact.

Trump will earn votes from the die-hard Republicans, even those currently backing other candidates and will secure common strongholds within the Republican dominated states, but will struggle in most other areas. His anti-political rhetoric is attractive to the undecided voter, but ultimately, I can't see enough of them voting Trump to give him the edge over Clinton.

As a side-note, it's so cute seeing Chris Christie attempting to cling onto relevancy. He's trying so hard to be Trump's running mate, it hurts.
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People shoving a black protestor out of a Trump while screaming deragatory curses at her. That's the group of people you stand with.

why are you posting from your alt lias


People shoving a black protestor out of a Trump while screaming deragatory curses at her. That's the group of people you stand with.[/quote]
why are you posting from your alt lias
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flyyyyhow many europeans are discussing us politics?

Fellow europeans, would you like to change anything in your countries?

[quote=flyyyy]how many europeans are discussing us politics?[/quote]

Fellow europeans, would you like to change anything in your countries?
-7 Frags +

honestly bernie's agenda is more edgy and radical then trump's

honestly bernie's agenda is more edgy and radical then trump's
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liasDonald failing to condemn the support of the KKK pretty much sums him up as a candidate


Donald failing to condemn the support of the KKK pretty much sums him up as a candidate[/quote]

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do0mhonestly bernie's agenda is more edgy and radical then trump's

does trump even have an agenda?

[quote=do0m]honestly bernie's agenda is more edgy and radical then trump's[/quote]
does trump even have an agenda?
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People shoving a black protestor out of a Trump while screaming deragatory curses at her. That's the group of people you stand with.
why are you posting from your alt lias



People shoving a black protestor out of a Trump while screaming deragatory curses at her. That's the group of people you stand with.[/quote]
why are you posting from your alt lias[/quote]
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What does he have to do with KKK though?

p.s if he has anything to do with illuminati, im moving to mars

What does he have to do with KKK though?

p.s if he has anything to do with illuminati, im moving to mars
-2 Frags +
RTCRealistically, I can't see Trump winning the Presidential election, especially against Clinton. Clinton's moderate views may have turned off several of the left-wing demographic who supported Sanders during the Democrat primaries, but come November, there's no chance in hell the Sanders supporters will vote Republican, let alone Trump, and unless they waste their vote on a third-party, their votes will be going to Clinton. The moderates will be turned off by Trump's extremist views, which will further solidify Clinton's route to the White House. To add to this, a few Republicans are repulsed with the idea of Trump becoming President, which could easily see votes flow away from the Republican and into the Democrats favour. This isn't a large percentage of course, but these aren't just votes disappearing from the GOP, these are votes reappearing on the other side of the fence, which has twice the impact.

Trump will earn votes from the die-hard Republicans, even those currently backing other candidates and will secure common strongholds within the Republican dominated states, but will struggle in most other areas. His anti-political rhetoric is attractive to the undecided voter, but ultimately, I can't see enough of them voting Trump to give him the edge over Clinton.

As a side-note, it's so cute seeing Chris Christie attempting to cling onto relevancy. He's trying so hard to be Trump's running mate, it hurts.

this isn't about left or right wing in the end, it's for or against the establishment, and if you think the majority of bernie voters will switch to clinton, who they utterly despise instead of voting for trump http://www.bostonherald.com/news/us_politics/2016/02/amid_trump_surge_nearly_20000_mass_voters_quit_democratic_party well, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-do-the-voting-turnout-numbers-say-about-the-2016-presidential-race/
you're in for a surprise, in 2008 5 million republicans voted and 8 million democrats, now it's the opposite, the republican party is growing, unless, the GOP establishment goes third party, and it's 1912 over again. And if you actually listened to the speeches Chris Christie gave, he declared no intention to be running mate becuase he wants to do his full term as governer of New Jersey. Blow it out your ass, clueless euro furry.

flyyyyflyyyyhow many europeans are discussing us politics?
Fellow europeans, would you like to change anything in your countries?

We voted that in, and then it takes 536 days to form a government.

[quote=RTC]Realistically, I can't see Trump winning the Presidential election, especially against Clinton. Clinton's moderate views may have turned off several of the left-wing demographic who supported Sanders during the Democrat primaries, but come November, there's no chance in hell the Sanders supporters will vote Republican, let alone Trump, and unless they waste their vote on a third-party, their votes will be going to Clinton. The moderates will be turned off by Trump's extremist views, which will further solidify Clinton's route to the White House. To add to this, a few Republicans are repulsed with the idea of Trump becoming President, which could easily see votes flow away from the Republican and into the Democrats favour. This isn't a large percentage of course, but these aren't just votes disappearing from the GOP, these are votes reappearing on the other side of the fence, which has twice the impact.

Trump will earn votes from the die-hard Republicans, even those currently backing other candidates and will secure common strongholds within the Republican dominated states, but will struggle in most other areas. His anti-political rhetoric is attractive to the undecided voter, but ultimately, I can't see enough of them voting Trump to give him the edge over Clinton.

As a side-note, it's so cute seeing Chris Christie attempting to cling onto relevancy. He's trying so hard to be Trump's running mate, it hurts.[/quote]
this isn't about left or right wing in the end, it's for or against the establishment, and if you think the majority of bernie voters will switch to clinton, who they utterly despise instead of voting for trump http://www.bostonherald.com/news/us_politics/2016/02/amid_trump_surge_nearly_20000_mass_voters_quit_democratic_party well, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-do-the-voting-turnout-numbers-say-about-the-2016-presidential-race/
you're in for a surprise, in 2008 5 million republicans voted and 8 million democrats, now it's the opposite, the republican party is growing, unless, the GOP establishment goes third party, and it's 1912 over again. And if you actually listened to the speeches Chris Christie gave, he declared no intention to be running mate becuase he wants to do his full term as governer of New Jersey. Blow it out your ass, clueless euro furry.

[quote=flyyyy][quote=flyyyy]how many europeans are discussing us politics?[/quote]

Fellow europeans, would you like to change anything in your countries?[/quote]
We voted that in, and then it takes 536 days to form a government.
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