talking about pl_badwater for 12 hours
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198049289245 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:89023517] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:44511758 |
Country | Rainbow Nation |
Signed Up | April 8, 2013 |
Last Posted | February 8, 2025 at 4:41 PM |
Posts | 380 (0.1 per day) |
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Keyboard | |
Mousepad | m3 e36 |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
waterboy526I'm coming on here to post about some suspicions of certain players in the competitive scene that I wanted to bring to light. I've been keeping an eye on these players for a while and wanted to get an opinion from the community as to what others think.
Unfortunately, most of what I am about to present is far from conclusive and more so just pure speculation, but imo it's something worth acknowledging, especially now that there seems to be more players going against RGL's code of conduct that are being brought to light. I don't expect there to be any action taken given the lack of it in more damning cases that have come out, but I figured I'd speak up about it and see other people’s views on it.
First player in question I have is jfk. Allegedly a comp player from the past who has come back into the scene recently, this is a player who has been extremely active in Yoshi's pug website, From those who have played against him in those pugs, as well as in different servers, he has been blatantly cheating for some time. He is seen toggling it during these pugs almost every time whether it's on scout or on sniper, and imo doesn't even try to hide it. There are several logs where this is the case and I would recommend analyzing them to come to a better conclusion. Take any log that he’s had between September 2023 to December 2023, as he performs incredibly without fail. I bring this up, given that at the time of this post being made, he's currently won IM and yet still somehow hasn't been acknowledged despite in my eyes it being obvious in my eyes.
One of many example logs:
(I’d highly recommend also looking through any other logs before and after)
Next are two accounts that caught my eye that I found to be interesting, yi-ge and yosh1. Two who it seems to be random Asia fortress players who came into RGL almost outta nowhere and win advanced. Initially, I was looking at this log in particular and thought it was suspect, while also acknowledging who these players were playing with. Now what I will say might very possibly be a reach, however I couldn’t ignore my observations and wanted to get more thoughts on this. I believe at least one of these accounts to be shared, and that one of the players to whom it’s possibly being shared to is Elijah. I noted that both of these accounts have the exact same Asia fortress badge as Aimer, having played together previously. But more notably, when these accounts started going active in North American servers, happened to be shortly after Elijah's main account got permanently banned from. For extra context, Elijah officially got banned from RGL on July 16th last year. And then shortly after, the account yi-ge was suddenly playing on North American servers on July 30th of last year, separating both events by less than 2 weeks. Following those events, these accounts suddenly start playing with the same friend group of which made the infamous chatCCP team, making a 4s team on UGC under the name of GlobalClan XIAO with those players, and then after that forming the XIAO team under the RGL league being run by aimer. Given that most of the players of the XIAO team have previously played for chatCCP, which involve the same group of people that are close associates with Elijah and his group, I couldn’t ignore what was being presented. While the playstyles and aim on both accounts are definitely suspicious, I find the activity of who these players play with to be more questionable. And given that these accounts have previously played with Aimer under the Asia Fortress league, I can’t help but feel like he is also directly involved. Once again, everything being presented here is just what I’ve gathered upon my own investigation, and could be a reach. But given the activity pattern and how it all happens to line up perfectly, I believe it’s worth acknowledging and further looked into.
why has discord become so shit?
the mobile app barely fucking works
- everytime you join voice you have to mute and unmute for it to pick up that you're talking
- it doesn't load more than 2 of your favourite gifs no matter how long you wait but it loads the shitty trending 9gag/reddit gifs immediately
- searching messages is god awful on mobile, you always have to remove the channel filter manually and then switch tab to messages to be able to find a message
- when you jump to a message 90% of the time it won't jump you to the message but god knows where it scrolls you (same on pc)
- leaving a server is fucking buried somewhere in one of the many context menus and sub menus
- cant see userlist until you tap the channel name which they changed from swiping left, which they also changed to reply to a message now whereas every other software used for chatting uses swipe right
- if you scroll up in a channel and then switch servers/channels and back again it scrolls you down to the bottom again instead of where you stopped reading before
- on pc if you try to read older messages and people are writing in the channel it'll scroll you down every time (fucking annoying in busy servers)
- if you want more people to screenshare in a channel you have to maximise the preview, click off some dumb discord game ad, hide profile pictures, hide your own screenshare and then popout and do all that every fucking time you want to play a game like tarkov together
- the screenshare preview also shows people as talking even when they're not
- sometimes when you want to change your server display name it'll change your account-wide display name instead because it puts you on the user profile tab for whatever reason
- dont know why but sometimes i still get pings from servers i have entirelly server muted, every channel muted and @mentions and @here suppressed
if someone has a custom client that isnt shit feel free to link kthx
A french/Belgian Highlander player during Group Stage of DeutschLAN 2015 passed out drunk and fell asleep in the shower, blocking the drain while the water was still pouring and flooding the entire upper floor. All the while the rest of his team downstairs and the enemy team were in the server waiting for him to return back to his PC.
don't know any of these effects other than sunbeams
before valve added cl_autoreload, you had to manually put +reload in console or bind it to w to always enable it, and afaik it would be slower than cl_autoreload too
I think that's a QoL feature no one can live without nowadays (except maybe viewmodel gun-spy mains), so I'm in favour of allowing the uber% HUD element and maybe one day Valve will also add it to tournament HUDs :)
could you replace the names in the medic stats and kill/death overview at the bottom with the respective ETF2L names as well?
dannyGazWhat happened to "innocent until PROVEN guilty"? .
i do agree that cheating evidence should be released in some form, atleast specify in what way they cheated, this stance of "they can learn" is extremely outdated and any paid tf2 cheat will provide you with nearly undetectable features that still provide huge benefits to how you play
As other people have assumed, "they can learn" has nothing to do with whether people code their own cheats or use paid public or private cheats. It has to do with the way they've configured whatever cheat they use, which values they use and which features they've used that caused them to appear on an AC's radar.
And after something like 8 years of being part of the AC staff I can tell you that certain do's and don'ts when it comes to cheating in competitive are still not public knowledge and as long as it is like that, a majority of cheaters will get
busted, simply because AC teams have withheld that specific information.
And to shine more clarity on this subject, ETF2L AC has tested whether or not these things can happen to someone legitimate, by having access to cheats ourselves and finding each quirk of a cheaters config that causes a player to be completely indistinguishable from a legit player.
JarateKingFor league admins:
I don't believe this offers any actual, cheaty advantages -- it cleans things up and hypothetically leads to slight fps improvements (I haven't benchmarked but the common wisdom is smaller textures and mipmaps = better memory locality within GPUs = less cache misses = better performance GPU-side) without doing anything that offers material gameplay benefits. And likewise I doubt valve really cares either, since these flat textures rely on the same fundamental techniques as the old clean tf2 flat textures did (as well as at least one earlier flat textures mod), so we're talking about public methods that have been around for over half a decade now. But it's just the nature of CleanTF2+ that a lot of it runs in a gray area of what is acceptable and what is an exploit.
A lot of my stuff in the past has caused issues for leagues, and I've put in effort to make sure CleanTF2+ doesn't violate league rules, but I also know that I'm not very active anymore (outside of the and mastercomfig discords, which would be the best bet to contact me) so if I'm not kept in the loop then CleanTF2+ might not be updated for some time (the metal footsteps being one example). I'm glad to help so if there are any league concerns about these, feel free to contact me through discord as that'll be the easiest.
why are metal footsteps still included in this? players caught using them receive a 1 year ban
can you upload an stv that crashes for you
old but gold
Sayo - DL
Sayo2 (inspired by botmodes edit of m0rehud) - DL
Base hud arekkhud
DMG numbers is default but it can be changed easily.
I'm gonna be stupid here. I love this hud but it seems to be using square shadows, and I'm not able to find the lines I have to remove to get rid of them. Could you tell me which ones?
can you send me an image of what you mean?
Mine are not as extreme but it happens when I use your hud, and not with other huds.
not sure why iatgink never fixed this
replace "custom/Sayo2/resource/m0re fonts.res" with
or just remove line 285 if you want a less polished file with a dead font and missing brackets