SpriteWhat if this wasn't a ban and he was going to jail instead
Am I not allowed to question the process suddenly?
you are allowed to question the process but it's not getting you anywhere because you just won't see the evidence regardless of how much it means to you. i already told you why we're not releasing it and that's not going to change in this case either. he's not going to prison and he's not locked up in a cell for an entire year where only we decide when he can walk around, when and what he's eating and when and who he can talk to at any point. he's not allowed to enter, that's it. no business will show you where their hidden cameras are and who their undercover people are who caught someone trying to steal shit from their store just because you just really want to know how they caught him. if you don't trust their decision you can feel free to move on and buy elsewhere.
except in that analogy it'd only be the business risking more damage from thievery by releasing their means to catch someone in the act and in etf2l's case it's you and other legit players who'd get to enjoy playing with/against better cheaters in the future. it seems you'd prefer that so don't ask other people why you're not allowed to question the process "suddenly"