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How to be more vocal while playing?
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can someone give me some tips on how to be more vocal while playing?

can someone give me some tips on how to be more vocal while playing?
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if you have a thought say it dont be scared of being wrong or of "cluttering comms"

if you have a thought say it dont be scared of being wrong or of "cluttering comms"
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It's not even me being scared i just forget to comm i guess idk

It's not even me being scared i just forget to comm i guess idk
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dont forget

dont forget
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just practice it dude
like i know it sounds stupid but like join a tf2center or something and just try to comm as much as possible without being in mumble, you could try to pub and like do the same thing but idk when i did this stuff it helped me out

sooner or later you will get the hang of it

just practice it dude
like i know it sounds stupid but like join a tf2center or something and just try to comm as much as possible without being in mumble, you could try to pub and like do the same thing but idk when i did this stuff it helped me out

sooner or later you will get the hang of it
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people who don't comm usually fall under one or multiple of these three things

1. shy/not talkative

2. they think pressing PTT affects their mechanical ability whether its movement or aim

3. or they just forget like phobia and alec said

find the reason why you personally think you don't comm and proactively work on it to improve your comming abilities

people who don't comm usually fall under one or multiple of these three things

1. shy/not talkative

2. they think pressing PTT affects their mechanical ability whether its movement or aim

3. or they just forget like phobia and alec said

find the reason why you personally think you don't comm and proactively work on it to improve your comming abilities
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post sticky notes around your monitor to remind you, worked for me

post sticky notes around your monitor to remind you, worked for me
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Something that helped me was attempting to play dm classes, especially pocket, in pugs/lobbies. It helped me to really understand how hard it is to do anything when your med isn't giving you enough information. After going through the experience of having to ask, "Where are you?" or "What's our percent?" constantly and like... not always being told that there's something on them or that they're leaving me in the fight, I never wanted to put my own players through it lol. It put it more at the front of my mind and helped me understand when certain comms are the most useful and needed.

Also, if you consciously practice it for a while, it'll get to the point where a lot of it is automatic, like... you always call your position after you died and are coming back to your team, without even thinking about it. I have to suppress those habits now when I'm playing classes where it isn't as relevant haha.

Something that helped me was attempting to play dm classes, especially pocket, in pugs/lobbies. It helped me to really understand how hard it is to do anything when your med isn't giving you enough information. After going through the experience of having to ask, "Where are you?" or "What's our percent?" constantly and like... not always being told that there's something on them or that they're leaving me in the fight, I never wanted to put my own players through it lol. It put it more at the front of my mind and helped me understand when certain comms are the most useful and needed.

Also, if you consciously practice it for a while, it'll get to the point where a lot of it is automatic, like... you always call your position after you died and are coming back to your team, without even thinking about it. I have to suppress those habits now when I'm playing classes where it isn't as relevant haha.
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Disable push to talk and use voice activation so people can hear your every comm, swearing, keyboard and mouse noises etc.

Disable push to talk and use voice activation so people can hear your every comm, swearing, keyboard and mouse noises etc.
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Narrate your gameplay. Talk about where you are, where you're going, what you're doing right now, what you're planning on doing. Mention if you're fighting someone or leave, if you're getting ammo packs, etc. Pretend you have someone sitting behind you whom you're explaining everything to. Someone listening in should be able to know exactly where you are and what you're doing without even watching -- record yourself and listen, or have a mentor listen. You can always tone down clutter later.

Also, put your PTT on something where it doesn't affect movement keys, jumping, crouching, swapping weapons, or aiming/firing. Shift works really well if you're using WASD+Ctrl+Space for movement and weapon selectors on the mouse. You don't want to be avoiding talking just because you can't without losing a fight or fucking up a jump.

Narrate your gameplay. Talk about where you are, where you're going, what you're doing right now, what you're planning on doing. Mention if you're fighting someone or leave, if you're getting ammo packs, etc. Pretend you have someone sitting behind you whom you're explaining everything to. Someone listening in should be able to know exactly where you are and what you're doing without even watching -- record yourself and listen, or have a mentor listen. You can always tone down clutter later.

Also, put your PTT on something where it doesn't affect movement keys, jumping, crouching, swapping weapons, or aiming/firing. Shift works really well if you're using WASD+Ctrl+Space for movement and weapon selectors on the mouse. You don't want to be avoiding talking just because you can't without losing a fight or fucking up a jump.
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