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Get quake-like textures/high LOD bias again
posted in Customization
2 Frags +

yo, cant get it working

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <ProfileName>Team Fortress 2</ProfileName>
      <string> team fortress 2/tf_win64.exe</string>
        <SettingNameInfo>Texture filtering - LOD Bias</SettingNameInfo>
        <SettingNameInfo>Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling</SettingNameInfo>

nvidia inspector version, driver 556.12, went through like 5 inspector versions, none works
mat_mipmaptextures also tested
helps pls?

EDIT: nvm fixed, instead of what trippa said, what got it working was adding tf2 executable via this button


yo, cant get it working
[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ProfileName>Team Fortress 2</ProfileName>
<string> team fortress 2/tf_win64.exe</string>
<SettingNameInfo>Texture filtering - LOD Bias</SettingNameInfo>
<SettingNameInfo>Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling</SettingNameInfo>
nvidia inspector version, driver 556.12, went through like 5 inspector versions, none works
mat_mipmaptextures also tested
helps pls?

EDIT: nvm fixed, instead of what trippa said, what got it working was adding tf2 executable via this button
14 Frags +

made a guide on steam to fix this basically you have the remove the old exe because of the x64 update changed it

posting this here just incase anyone was problems

setting up nvidia inspector

Once you have unzipped Nvidia inspector double click on nvidiainspector.exe

It should look close to this https://imgur.com/6TjAJVr

Now go the the Right side and click the little screwdriver and wrench icon next to the Driver version. In this image it is highlighted in blue https://imgur.com/ImF3gvi

It should then open up a page that looks like this https://imgur.com/CDcs8kO

Now in the top left of the page go to profiles it should say

click on this and delete it and type in team fortress 2 it should show up as an option in the profiles submenu it should now look like this https://imgur.com/ttEEVu1

Now in the toolbar select remove application from current profile since HL2.exe is no longer the TF2 executable and remove it https://imgur.com/J74YiTL

Now we will add the TF2 x64 executable using the add application to current profile https://imgur.com/CygLoud and following the folder route C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2 till you get the the tf_win64 exe https://imgur.com/F2fUoL4

Setting up the LOD tweak

Now that you have replaced the old HL2.exe to TF_win64.exe you can now begin the steps for the LOD tweak

scroll down to where it says Texture filtering - LOD bias(DX) and change it to +3.000 make sure to click apply changes

you will now want to export your profile https://imgur.com/l63zjnR you can name it anything you want and store it anywhere make sure to select export current profile only

open up the .nip file wherever you saved it and change the values to match this https://imgur.com/NTUbbMT
<SettingValue>120</SettingValue> this value can be set to 80 or 120 for a lod of 10 for 80 or 15 for 120

then import your edited profile back into nvidia inspector which is right next to the export profile buttion

then make sure to turn the option antialiasing-transparency supersampling to AA_MODE_REPLAY_ALL and apply changes https://imgur.com/NviMUHd

made a guide on steam to fix this basically you have the remove the old exe because of the x64 update changed it

posting this here just incase anyone was problems

setting up nvidia inspector

Once you have unzipped Nvidia inspector double click on [b] nvidiainspector.exe

It should look close to this https://imgur.com/6TjAJVr

Now go the the Right side and click the little screwdriver and wrench icon next to the Driver version. In this image it is highlighted in blue https://imgur.com/ImF3gvi

It should then open up a page that looks like this https://imgur.com/CDcs8kO

Now in the top left of the page go to profiles it should say

click on this and delete it and type in team fortress 2 it should show up as an option in the profiles submenu it should now look like this https://imgur.com/ttEEVu1

Now in the toolbar select remove application from current profile since HL2.exe is no longer the TF2 executable and remove it https://imgur.com/J74YiTL

Now we will add the TF2 x64 executable using the add application to current profile https://imgur.com/CygLoud and following the folder route C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2 till you get the the tf_win64 exe https://imgur.com/F2fUoL4

Setting up the LOD tweak

Now that you have replaced the old HL2.exe to TF_win64.exe you can now begin the steps for the LOD tweak

scroll down to where it says Texture filtering - LOD bias(DX) and change it to +3.000 make sure to click apply changes

you will now want to export your profile https://imgur.com/l63zjnR you can name it anything you want and store it anywhere make sure to select export current profile only

open up the .nip file wherever you saved it and change the values to match this https://imgur.com/NTUbbMT
<SettingValue>120</SettingValue> this value can be set to 80 or 120 for a lod of 10 for 80 or 15 for 120

then import your edited profile back into nvidia inspector which is right next to the export profile buttion

then make sure to turn the option antialiasing-transparency supersampling to AA_MODE_REPLAY_ALL and apply changes https://imgur.com/NviMUHd
-2 Frags +


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