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give me drawing ideas
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i recently got a drawing tablet and it's my first one so i'm trying to get used to it. i'm also very amateur at drawing.
give me an idea so i can practice not being shit at both these things :D
pls no nsfw
consider this a free low quality commission (very rough sketch, no color, meh looking)

ill probably spend around 30 or so min on each, maybe more if i get into it. ill try and get to all of them over time. ill post them as I complete them

i recently got a drawing tablet and it's my first one so i'm trying to get used to it. i'm also very amateur at drawing.
give me an idea so i can practice not being shit at both these things :D
pls no nsfw
consider this a free low quality commission (very rough sketch, no color, meh looking)

ill probably spend around 30 or so min on each, maybe more if i get into it. ill try and get to all of them over time. ill post them as I complete them
23 Frags +

Can you draw lil pump wearing a tyrants helm

Can you draw lil pump wearing a tyrants helm
-3 Frags +

draw me like one of your french girls

draw me like one of your french girls
7 Frags +
-cartermeat wearing a onesie

well i tried

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[quote=-carter]meat wearing a onesie[/quote]
well i tried
28 Frags +

please draw this


please draw this

20 Frags +
VulcanCan you draw lil pump wearing a tyrants helm

i need to fix the size of these

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[quote=Vulcan]Can you draw lil pump wearing a tyrants helm[/quote]
i need to fix the size of these
13 Frags +

can you draw xxxtentacion but he is holding a baloonicorn

can you draw xxxtentacion but he is holding a baloonicorn
1 Frags +
blehi need to fix the size of these
Show Content

should totally turn this into a profile picture

[quote=bleh]i need to fix the size of these

should totally turn this into a profile picture
10 Frags +
trippadraw me like one of your french girls
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[quote=trippa]draw me like one of your french girls[/quote]
1 Frags +
blehVulcanCan you draw lil pump wearing a tyrants helmi need to fix the size of these
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Mind if I use this as my profile picture

[quote=bleh][quote=Vulcan]Can you draw lil pump wearing a tyrants helm[/quote]
i need to fix the size of these
Mind if I use this as my profile picture
12 Frags +


15 Frags +
VulcanMind if I use this as my profile picture

go for it friend. if anyone wants to use one of these dumb drawings for their own stuff go ahead

warriordragon12please draw this

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[quote=Vulcan]Mind if I use this as my profile picture[/quote]
go for it friend. if anyone wants to use one of these dumb drawings for their own stuff go ahead

[quote=warriordragon12]please draw this

10 Frags +

draw b4nnys exorbitant long shoelaces

draw b4nnys exorbitant long shoelaces
21 Frags +
liascan you draw xxxtentacion but he is holding a baloonicorn
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[quote=lias]can you draw xxxtentacion but he is holding a baloonicorn[/quote]
6 Frags +

draw your favourite animal but it's facial expression(s) is a thinking emoji instead

draw your favourite animal but it's facial expression(s) is a thinking emoji instead
5 Frags +

can you draw the new Ascent Showstopper™ crushing froyotech

can you draw the new Ascent Showstopper™ crushing froyotech
10 Frags +

first thing i saw was a horse moving in front of a pawn

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this is probably the last one for now because i have to get ready for class but keep the ideas coming and ill do them later

first thing i saw was a horse moving in front of a pawn
this is probably the last one for now because i have to get ready for class but keep the ideas coming and ill do them later
3 Frags +

u should draw some sonic x steven universe fanart :3

u should draw some sonic x steven universe fanart :3
4 Frags +

draw sideshow doing something stupid

draw sideshow doing something stupid
6 Frags +

^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k68uOApuf6I&feature=youtu.be

^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k68uOApuf6I&feature=youtu.be
5 Frags +
prsndraw b4nnys exorbitant long shoelaces

i have no idea if this is a meme or something so i just drew some snake laces

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[quote=prsn]draw b4nnys exorbitant long shoelaces[/quote]
i have no idea if this is a meme or something so i just drew some snake laces
36 Frags +
Spritedraw your favourite animal but it's facial expression(s) is a thinking emoji instead
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[quote=Sprite]draw your favourite animal but it's facial expression(s) is a thinking emoji instead[/quote]
11 Frags +

Underrated thread, can you please draw rando fondling his shotgun

Underrated thread, can you please draw rando fondling his shotgun
3 Frags +

Draw felix the cat, I always loved that character design since I was a kid, or popeye, asterix & obelix, etc. Just copy them

Draw felix the cat, I always loved that character design since I was a kid, or popeye, asterix & obelix, etc. Just copy them
55 Frags +
Lylycan you draw the new Ascent Showstopper™ crushing froyotech

sorry for the wait but such a wonderful request warranted an equally wonderful response


[quote=Lyly]can you draw the new Ascent Showstopper™ crushing froyotech[/quote]
sorry for the wait but such a wonderful request warranted an equally wonderful response
2 Frags +

draw my cat with a cool gun

draw my cat with a cool gun
6 Frags +
rowpiecesu should draw some sonic x steven universe fanart :3

probably not as good as that guy in the computer lab

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[quote=rowpieces]u should draw some sonic x steven universe fanart :3[/quote]
probably not as good as that guy in the computer lab
8 Frags +
TheMackey5draw sideshow doing something stupidfrenzy_^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k68uOApuf6I&feature=youtu.be

oh boy

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[quote=TheMackey5]draw sideshow doing something stupid[/quote]
[quote=frenzy_]^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k68uOApuf6I&feature=youtu.be[/quote]
oh boy
2 Frags +

can you draw me an indianspiceguy?

can you draw me an indianspiceguy?
4 Frags +

Corsa in heaven please

Corsa in heaven please
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