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heard a song and got inspired to make some art.

I have some clips in my head that i can scour for on my own but mainly looking for insane airshots (duh) but also PLEASE scout players out there if youve got some nice 2-or-3k clips where u give some people the beatdown or even an extended 5k or something i think you will be crucial. this goes for soldier or sniper clips too i guess but i think scout can provide that change of pace that can keeps the video engaging thru certain portions of the song

this is going to be more of a visual project but i wouldnt go so far as to call it an “edit”

i have my brain wrapped up in like 7 different videos across 3 youtube channels but this one makes my mind race at 1000000mph so i can guarantee you this will get made.

thanks guys

heard a song and got inspired to make some art.

I have some clips in my head that i can scour for on my own but mainly looking for insane airshots (duh) but also PLEASE scout players out there if youve got some nice 2-or-3k clips where u give some people the beatdown or even an extended 5k or something i think you will be crucial. this goes for soldier or sniper clips too i guess but i think scout can provide that change of pace that can keeps the video engaging thru certain portions of the song

this is going to be more of a visual project but i wouldnt go so far as to call it an “edit”

i have my brain wrapped up in like 7 different videos across 3 youtube channels but this one makes my mind race at 1000000mph so i can guarantee you this will get made.

thanks guys
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got a huge airshot the other day, happy to share. It's POV but I can help u find the STV if you want


Link includes tick, demo, and a preview image :)

got a huge airshot the other day, happy to share. It's POV but I can help u find the STV if you want


Link includes tick, demo, and a preview image :)
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POV + STV when possible :)

POV + STV when possible :)
1 Frags +
GrapeJuiceIIIPOV + STV when possible :)

updated that link with STV demo + tick (in .txt file)!

[quote=GrapeJuiceIII]POV + STV when possible :)[/quote]

updated that link with STV demo + tick (in .txt file)!
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