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10 years
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Hello everyone, today marks 10 years of browsing this forum for me. I don’t know why I can’t leave this website or stop playing tf2. But i want to say thank you to everyone I have met over the years and I hope everyone is doing well in life :)

Most of you don’t know me, the most memorable thing is probably record this video . Sorry townze lol

If anyone has any old fun tf2 memories to share I want to hear :)

Hello everyone, today marks 10 years of browsing this forum for me. I don’t know why I can’t leave this website or stop playing tf2. But i want to say thank you to everyone I have met over the years and I hope everyone is doing well in life :)

Most of you don’t know me, the most memorable thing is probably record this [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=529dcENUVGw&pp=ygULVG93bnplIHJhbnQ%3D]video[/url] . Sorry townze lol

If anyone has any old fun tf2 memories to share I want to hear :)
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Shoutout to the Carrier Penguins: https://www.twitch.tv/nightfaul/clip/CrispyGrossLocustDatBoi

Shoutout to the Carrier Penguins: https://www.twitch.tv/nightfaul/clip/CrispyGrossLocustDatBoi
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