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Slow alt-tabbing on lower res
posted in Q/A Help
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Hey, i got a new laptop (windows 11) and ive previously always played on 1600x900 res dx8 and on my old pc (windows 10) i was able to alt tab quickly when my native res was 1920x1080 but now when i alt tab on anything different than native res on my laptop it takes 5 seconds to alt tab.

I'm not sure if there was a trick to make the alt tabbing quick again or not.

(its not the dxlevel in launch options)

thanks in advance for any help

Hey, i got a new laptop (windows 11) and ive previously always played on 1600x900 res dx8 and on my old pc (windows 10) i was able to alt tab quickly when my native res was 1920x1080 but now when i alt tab on anything different than native res on my laptop it takes 5 seconds to alt tab.

I'm not sure if there was a trick to make the alt tabbing quick again or not.

(its not the dxlevel in launch options)

thanks in advance for any help
4 Frags +

im not an expert but i think its because when you play in a non-native resolution, tf2 changes your monitor to display in that resolution and when you tab back out, it's your monitor changing back? something like that

im not an expert but i think its because when you play in a non-native resolution, tf2 changes your monitor to display in that resolution and when you tab back out, it's your monitor changing back? something like that
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hello, amp-t.

i had a similar problem in counter strike a few years ago, i fixed it by setting a custom resultion in nvidia control panel that matched my games resolution when i was playing,then i used a program called hotkey resolution changer to change my desktops res from the ingame resolution to its native resolution when i was done playing

hello, amp-t.

i had a similar problem in counter strike a few years ago, i fixed it by setting a custom resultion in nvidia control panel that matched my games resolution when i was playing,then i used a program called hotkey resolution changer to change my desktops res from the ingame resolution to its native resolution when i was done playing
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