Yo, looking to continue a roster from last season and we're looking for some people who are willing to stay together in the long run for a few seasons and focus on improving while also enjoying hanging out and playing other stuff together every once in a while outside of scrims. We'll be playing 10:30 on sundays and mondays, 9:30 - 10:30 on tuesday - thursday for our scrim schedule. If div 2 is a thing again next season we're aiming to make playoffs. If advanced reforms, we're aiming to just go 8-8.
roster so far:
scout: chaseduck
scout: pont
roamer: voosh? / zbra? / lfp
pocket: screwb? / zbra? / lfp
demo: voosh? / lfp
med: screwb? / lfp
add me on steam if you're interested: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ChaseDuck/