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dave gameing eSports and muffler repair is looking
8 Frags +

i would like to apply for davegameing
i will not game but i would like to be involved
i could maybe right poetry or something

i would like to apply for davegameing
i will not game but i would like to be involved
i could maybe right poetry or something
-1 Frags +
THEBILLDOZERi would like to apply for davegameing
i will not game but i would like to be involved
i could maybe right poetry or something

that haiku was awesome

[quote=THEBILLDOZER]i would like to apply for davegameing
i will not game but i would like to be involved
i could maybe right poetry or something[/quote]
that haiku was awesome
-2 Frags +

i want dave² or dave³

i want dave² or dave³
-2 Frags +


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