Can’t really make it a title because it’s a self titled album. They make it that way like it’s a new experience, like a first take for the band. This be might the most accessible album for new listeners, it’s not bad at all, but frustrating for fans, it’s not fast, it’s not complex, the new album feels (at least for me) like a easy listener mix, it feels like a alternative to them focusing (and they have admitted this) on playing on / working from Theodore and Pridgen. Maybe it was Omar loosing his mom, I really can’t say.
This new album isn’t bad, I liked it, not nearly as much as anything as progressive as the first 4 albums, It’s unique, it’s got tracks for easy prog listening, idk if the band is going from a high to a low, I can understand that. It’s just frustrating. I went from guys like No Means No going majorly hard, fast as a devil getting off, with that in mind, and maybe it was more focused on Theodore, he wanted to play fast and Omar recognized that.