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What if the person you meet is a serial killer?
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Suppose you were meeting someone new
You meet and talk outside at a few places, get to know each other over a few months

But how would you know that they're being truthful?
What if they were hiding an insidous past?
How would you investigate about this person without making it seem obvious?

Suppose you were meeting someone new
You meet and talk outside at a few places, get to know each other over a few months

But how would you know that they're being truthful?
What if they were hiding an insidous past?
How would you investigate about this person without making it seem obvious?
26 Frags +

go to his tvtf profile

go to his tvtf profile
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check his steam reviews

check his steam reviews
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that would be very creepy.

that would be very creepy.
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none of my business

none of my business
15 Frags +
RahmedSuppose you were meeting someone new
You meet and talk outside at a few places, get to know each other over a few months
How would you investigate about this person without making it seem obvious?

found the serial killer. next

[quote=Rahmed]Suppose you were meeting someone new
You meet and talk outside at a few places, get to know each other over a few months
How would you investigate about this person without making it seem obvious?[/quote]
found the serial killer. next
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