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Renaming Classes
posted in Customization
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Does any know if/how it's possible to change the actual name of a class?
(ex. "Demoman" -> "Drunken Scott")

Does any know if/how it's possible to change the actual name of a class?
(ex. "Demoman" -> "Drunken Scott")
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as a not meme reply it should be a thing you can change within classselection.res in the hudname>resource>ui folder

if that isn’t correct/you cannot figure it out, you should be able to ask in the huds.tf discord, usually hypnotize or another seasoned hud developer will have the answer.

as a not meme reply it should be a thing you can change within classselection.res in the hudname>resource>ui folder

if that isn’t correct/you cannot figure it out, you should be able to ask in the [url=http://discord.huds.tf/]huds.tf discord[/url], usually hypnotize or another seasoned hud developer will have the answer.
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Natalexeias a not meme reply it should be a thing you can change within classselection.res in the hudname>resource>ui folder

if that isn’t correct/you cannot figure it out, you should be able to ask in the huds.tf discord, usually hypnotize or another seasoned hud developer will have the answer.

Thank you for the advice. Led me to this.

[quote=Natalexei]as a not meme reply it should be a thing you can change within classselection.res in the hudname>resource>ui folder

if that isn’t correct/you cannot figure it out, you should be able to ask in the [url=http://discord.huds.tf/]huds.tf discord[/url], usually hypnotize or another seasoned hud developer will have the answer.[/quote]

Thank you for the advice. Led me to this.
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