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Your Proudest Moments
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For my Eagle Scout project, I organized and ran a food drive for a local food pantry. Ended up getting nearly 7500 items of food. The pantry barely had room to fit it all, it was a great feeling.

For my Eagle Scout project, I organized and ran a food drive for a local food pantry. Ended up getting nearly 7500 items of food. The pantry barely had room to fit it all, it was a great feeling.
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I would likely say getting my masters degree and even if I haven't finished yet, just being able to work on getting my doctorate.

I would likely say getting my masters degree and even if I haven't finished yet, just being able to work on getting my doctorate.
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When I was a sophomore in high school I got my name on an Illinois house resolution formally recognizing each of the members of our debate team for dominating the chicago league for 5+ years. I'd say the #1 though was that same year I was volunteering to help set-up shit around the school for our mardi gras celebration and was walking past our coach's room when I overheard him talking to some alumni about the team. Whoever the kid was asked about "Conway's brother" and he told them that I was probably going to be the best the team had ever had.

When I was a sophomore in high school I got my name on an Illinois house resolution formally recognizing each of the members of our debate team for dominating the chicago league for 5+ years. I'd say the #1 though was that same year I was volunteering to help set-up shit around the school for our mardi gras celebration and was walking past our coach's room when I overheard him talking to some alumni about the team. Whoever the kid was asked about "Conway's brother" and he told them that I was probably going to be the best the team had ever had.
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Eagle Scout project - raised and donated around 60 computers, with monitors and keyboards to the underprivileged youth in NYC. It was a great feeling getting everyone to pull together and help this happen.

I also won a lot of awards for my Korean Traditional Percussion Music, a lot of Golds and Silvers.

In TF2, it was triple airshotting Platinum one time in MGE.

Eagle Scout project - raised and donated around 60 computers, with monitors and keyboards to the underprivileged youth in NYC. It was a great feeling getting everyone to pull together and help this happen.

I also won a lot of awards for my Korean Traditional Percussion Music, a lot of Golds and Silvers.

In TF2, it was triple airshotting Platinum one time in MGE.
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this thread makes me more depressed than the regrets thread because it makes me look at my life and realize I haven't done anything :(

this thread makes me more depressed than the regrets thread because it makes me look at my life and realize I haven't done anything :(
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when i put it in her butt

when i put it in her butt
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milowhen i put it in her butt


[quote=milo]when i put it in her butt[/quote]
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In video games? Making masters on the NA sc2 ladder in WoL

In video games? Making masters on the NA sc2 ladder in WoL
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I rl I would say finishing producing my first track without any samples minus cymbals and some snares and being able to say I made 100% of it.

In gaming it would be writing for ESEA for four seasons and sticking with it through some of the less than rewarding moments for the love of the game.

I rl I would say finishing producing my first track without any samples minus cymbals and some snares and being able to say I made 100% of it.

In gaming it would be writing for ESEA for four seasons and sticking with it through some of the less than rewarding moments for the love of the game.
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