So, i love the HUD i'm using right now, the only problem is that i hate the kill feed skin. I want to change to the original kill feed skin and i don't know what .res file i need to find to delete the custom one in the HUD. I want everything else in the custom HUD but the kill feed someone please help me!
It's actually located in the hudlayout.res file in the scripts folder. Search for the "HudDeathNotice" entry.
What exactly are you trying to do? Just revert it to default?
MaestroNow what do i do? Do i delete it?
Replace it with the stock one.
Replace it with the stock one.
Here's the default entry. Just copy and paste:
"fieldName" "HudDeathNotice"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r640" [$WIN32]
"ypos" "12" [$WIN32]
"xpos" "r672" [$X360]
"ypos" "35" [$X360]
"wide" "628"
"tall" "468"
"MaxDeathNotices" "4"
"IconScale" "0.35"
"LineHeight" "16"
"LineSpacing" "4"
"CornerRadius" "3"
"RightJustify" "1" // If 1, draw notices from the right
"TextFont" "Default"
"TeamBlue" "HUDBlueTeamSolid"
"TeamRed" "HUDRedTeamSolid"
"IconColor" "HudWhite"
"LocalPlayerColor" "HUDBlack"
"BaseBackgroundColor" "46 43 42 220" [$WIN32]
"LocalBackgroundColor" "245 229 196 200" [$WIN32]
"BaseBackgroundColor" "32 32 32 255" [$X360]
"LocalBackgroundColor" "0 0 0 255" [$X360]
"fieldName" "HudDeathNotice"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r640" [$WIN32]
"ypos" "12" [$WIN32]
"xpos" "r672" [$X360]
"ypos" "35" [$X360]
"wide" "628"
"tall" "468"
"MaxDeathNotices" "4"
"IconScale" "0.35"
"LineHeight" "16"
"LineSpacing" "4"
"CornerRadius" "3"
"RightJustify" "1" // If 1, draw notices from the right
"TextFont" "Default"
"TeamBlue" "HUDBlueTeamSolid"
"TeamRed" "HUDRedTeamSolid"
"IconColor" "HudWhite"
"LocalPlayerColor" "HUDBlack"
"BaseBackgroundColor" "46 43 42 220" [$WIN32]
"LocalBackgroundColor" "245 229 196 200" [$WIN32]
"BaseBackgroundColor" "32 32 32 255" [$X360]
"LocalBackgroundColor" "0 0 0 255" [$X360]