Hello I'm Desert and I'm looking to begin my competitive career in tf2 this season in low open. I regularly DM and MGE so my deathmatch skills are good. I have about 60+ pugs in #tf2mix and some in house pugs. Besides that I don't have any other experience and this will be my first time in ESEA. I plan to improve my team coordination, dm, and gamesense as improving these qualities can only go so far in pugs. I am available Mon-Thurs and Sunday 9-12CST.
Add me on steam if you are interested:
I'm also willing to backup for a team.
Hello I'm Desert and I'm looking to begin my competitive career in tf2 this season in low open. I regularly DM and MGE so my deathmatch skills are good. I have about 60+ pugs in #tf2mix and some in house pugs. Besides that I don't have any other experience and this will be my first time in ESEA. I plan to improve my team coordination, dm, and gamesense as improving these qualities can only go so far in pugs. I am available Mon-Thurs and Sunday 9-12CST.
Add me on steam if you are interested:
I'm also willing to backup for a team.