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flatline LFT S16 - low/mid open roamer
-13 Frags +

Hey tftv,

So I'm not sure if Disney Channel's gonna stay together after this season (hopefully we do) but I'll just put this up in case. I'm looking for a low-mid open team as Roamer.

S10 - UGC Steel - Roamer - .EVOlution Gaming
S15 - ESEA Open - Roamer - Disney Channel Celebrities (backup for most of the season due to ping problems)

Weekdays 3pm - 10pm (all times CST)
Weekends 12pm - 1am
I'd like to reserve weekends for Highlander stuff if possible (as well as mondays)

Please note that from time to time my internet does fuck me over. It's been getting better as of recent, however.

ESEA Page: http://play.esea.net/users/561236
Contact me at: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dochavoc/


Hey tftv,

So I'm not sure if Disney Channel's gonna stay together after this season (hopefully we do) but I'll just put this up in case. I'm looking for a low-mid open team as Roamer.

S10 - UGC Steel - Roamer - .EVOlution Gaming
S15 - ESEA Open - Roamer - Disney Channel Celebrities (backup for most of the season due to ping problems)

Weekdays 3pm - 10pm (all times CST)
Weekends 12pm - 1am
I'd like to reserve weekends for Highlander stuff if possible (as well as mondays)

Please note that from time to time my internet does fuck me over. It's been getting better as of recent, however.

ESEA Page: http://play.esea.net/users/561236
Contact me at: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dochavoc/

-3 Frags +

bbbut ily guys

bbbut ily guys
14 Frags +

im not sure why you would post a looking thread this early if you are hoping your team stays together

im not sure why you would post a looking thread this early if you are hoping your team stays together
-15 Frags +

Just to have something to fall back on.

Just to have something to fall back on.
-2 Frags +

If he's a backup I can see why he'd make a LF thread for next season

If he's a backup I can see why he'd make a LF thread for next season
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