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Class Restriction Problem
posted in Q/A Help
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Hello all, working on setting up class restrictions on a DM server.

I have decided to use this plugin by Nican located Here.

I believe I have followed the instructions correctly.

In my addons/sourcemod/plugins folder I have the MaxClass.smx and in the addons/sourcemod/configs I have the MaxClass.txt file with

			 	//Team2 = red AND team3 = blue
			 	//set to 0 if you want this to only work on one team
			 	"red"		"1"
			 	"blue"		"1"

				//Put -1 for no limit, 0 for disalowed, and any other number to set the limit
				"scout"		"3"
				"sniper"	"0"
				"soldier"	"3"
				"demoman"	"2"
				"medic"		"0"
				"heavyweapons"		"0"
				"pyro"		"0"
				"spy"		"0"
				"engineer"	"0"

Inside of it.

When I load the server and check "sm plugins list" I see its loaded without an error. But the restrictions are not in place. I can play any class with a 0 on it.

Anyone know of another plugin or even if its possible just to add this kind of stuff to a Server.cfg file?

Thanks for the help!

Hello all, working on setting up class restrictions on a DM server.

I have decided to use this plugin by Nican located [url=https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=548207?p=548207]Here.[/url]

I believe I have followed the instructions correctly.

In my addons/sourcemod/plugins folder I have the MaxClass.smx and in the addons/sourcemod/configs I have the MaxClass.txt file with

[code] {
//Team2 = red AND team3 = blue
//set to 0 if you want this to only work on one team
"red" "1"
"blue" "1"

//Put -1 for no limit, 0 for disalowed, and any other number to set the limit
"scout" "3"
"sniper" "0"
"soldier" "3"
"demoman" "2"
"medic" "0"
"heavyweapons" "0"
"pyro" "0"
"spy" "0"
"engineer" "0"

Inside of it.

When I load the server and check "sm plugins list" I see its loaded without an error. But the restrictions are not in place. I can play any class with a 0 on it.

Anyone know of another plugin or even if its possible just to add this kind of stuff to a Server.cfg file?

Thanks for the help!
0 Frags +

tftrue lets the inbuilt cvars for class restriction as well as whitelists work outside of tournament mode. You could try that.


tftrue lets the inbuilt cvars for class restriction as well as whitelists work outside of tournament mode. You could try that.

0 Frags +

The plugin allowed me to stop the classes but it seems to of broken the SoapDM plugin as well. Spawns are not what they should and I am spawning in the normal respawn hangers.

But thanks thus far!

The plugin allowed me to stop the classes but it seems to of broken the SoapDM plugin as well. Spawns are not what they should and I am spawning in the normal respawn hangers.

But thanks thus far!
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