cB! is looking for a scrim this weekend, we can only play on fri-sun. The most fitting time for us is between 7:00pm-7.30 pm, that's when we're available, we're mostly looking for div6 teams to scrim against.
cB! is looking for a scrim this weekend, we can only play on fri-sun. The most fitting time for us is between 7:00pm-7.30 pm, that's when we're available, we're mostly looking for div6 teams to scrim against.
Add me for Scrims! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995132651/
you should search scrimms on irc, search for tf.wars on google and just say there "div 6 on/off now/time you want to play" (on/off is if you have a server or not)