Looking to play on a open team in the upcoming season. League doesn't matter, just want some cool people to play with.
I have one season of open exp from CEVO (Heavy Breathing, S5 Medic) but we had a rough season due to roster problems and eventually died. Past that I have ~5 seasons experience from UGC, having started on Gold 6's and HL teams at the beginning of this season (medic and soldier respectively).
I feel that I have improved alot since my first season in open a couple months ago, but my problem has been having consistent people to scrim/practice with, as my last 2-3 teams have died mid-season. So having a stable team that practices together often is a big plus.
I'm available Tue/Wed/Fri/Sun 8:30 EST PM on for the next week. Past that I'm available nights in general (8:30 PM on).
Add me - http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrakeTAO/
Looking to play on a open team in the upcoming season. League doesn't matter, just want some cool people to play with.
I have one season of open exp from CEVO (Heavy Breathing, S5 Medic) but we had a rough season due to roster problems and eventually died. Past that I have ~5 seasons experience from UGC, having started on Gold 6's and HL teams at the beginning of this season (medic and soldier respectively).
I feel that I have improved alot since my first season in open a couple months ago, but my problem has been having consistent people to scrim/practice with, as my last 2-3 teams have died mid-season. So having a stable team that practices together often is a big plus.
I'm available Tue/Wed/Fri/Sun 8:30 EST PM on for the next week. Past that I'm available nights in general (8:30 PM on).
Add me - http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrakeTAO/
Drake has an amazing, amazing voice. He practices a lot and his medic forays have made him a very smart, team-oriented player.
Also he has legendary rocket surfing and uses the black box so I wuv him
have i mentioned his voice is really sexy?
Drake has an amazing, amazing voice. He practices a lot and his medic forays have made him a very smart, team-oriented player.
Also he has legendary rocket surfing and uses the black box so I wuv him
have i mentioned his voice is really sexy?
Drake_The_Awkward_Owl has the physique of a champion and the intellect of a savant. Pick Him UP!
Drake_The_Awkward_Owl has the physique of a champion and the intellect of a savant. Pick Him UP!