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[Stream] am
posted in Requests
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this is my twitch page: www.twitch.tv/amm__

I always just play lobbies, mge and such
I think ill just stream when i play, which is most of the time from 4~12 pm
Thanks slin or whoever is checking this out

this is my twitch page: www.twitch.tv/amm__

I always just play lobbies, mge and such
I think ill just stream when i play, which is most of the time from 4~12 pm
Thanks slin or whoever is checking this out
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Do you have a tf2 league profile?

Do you have a tf2 league profile?
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ugc: http://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561197981710073
tf2center: http://rc.tf2center.com/profile/76561197981710073
i joined and played some highlander and 6s ages ago and rang for teams but thats it
though now im joining a 6s team, we are going to scrim now and play next season

ugc: http://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561197981710073
tf2center: http://rc.tf2center.com/profile/76561197981710073
i joined and played some highlander and 6s ages ago and rang for teams but thats it
though now im joining a 6s team, we are going to scrim now and play next season
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Sweet. Yeah I'd be willing to add your stream but it doesn't look very active (or used at all, really). You have 6 views and 0 followers. Try streaming for a couple days and see if this is something you want to put time into before I put you onto the sidebar. I'll be your first follower :)

Sweet. Yeah I'd be willing to add your stream but it doesn't look very active (or used at all, really). You have 6 views and 0 followers. Try streaming for a couple days and see if this is something you want to put time into before I put you onto the sidebar. I'll be your first follower :)
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sweet, thank you so much slin
lol ye i understand, this is a second account, my old one was slizz i got it last year and stopped due to school etc
but i made new accounts with new names so everything would have one alias
anyways, sure thing thanks

sweet, thank you so much slin
lol ye i understand, this is a second account, my old one was slizz i got it last year and stopped due to school etc
but i made new accounts with new names so everything would have one alias
anyways, sure thing thanks
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