I still have a toaster laptop (AMD Athlon X2 + NVIDIA 9100M G) that gets pressed into service for TF2. Wanted to download some different HUDs on it so I decided to share this. Thread limit won't let me post it all, I'll have to break it up. Just copy/paste into notepad and disable word wrap. Hope someone finds this of use.
// twkr's TF2 autoexec.cfg // ( 12.16.2014 ) Sets convars with an emphasis on increasing FPS and reducing clutter (without obliterating graphics)
// Set Launch options // (def. "" ) Set the TF2 launch options as "+mat_dxlevel 80 -threads # -novid" for better preformance (where "#" = core count if > 3) NOTE: DX70 is not allowed on many servers; DX81 water effects are broken (but faster); DX98 offers no tangible benifits
clear; echo " "; echo "// Greetings program!"
// Video options menu convars (can comment out and set in game)
fov_desired "80" // (def. "75" ) Sets "field of view" - Sets the field of view (a lower FOV gives slightly better performance at the cost of viewing angle)
mat_aaquality "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "antiailas mode" - Sets the level of antialisaing (0/1/2 to set level)
mat_antialias "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "antialias mode" - Sets the level of antialisaing (0/2/4/6 to set level)
mat_colorcorrection "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "color correction" - If set to 0, disables color correction (simulates depth on objects)
// mat_dxlevel "80" // (def. "95" ) Sets "hardware DirectX level" - Sets the level of DirectX used (commented out because dxsupport.cfg preset changes video options) to set use +mat_dxlevel in launch options (
mat_forceaniso "0" // (def. "4" ) Sets "filtering mode" - Sets the texture filtering level (0/2/4/8/16 to set level)
mat_trilinear "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "filtering mode" - If set to 0, disables trilinear mipmapping and uses bilinear; trilinear helps banding issues bilinear cannout without the bandwidth/preformance hit of anisotropic (LEAVE ENABLED)
mat_hdr_level "0" // (def. "2" ) Sets "HDR lighting effects" - If set to 0, disables HDR (0=off, 1=HDR+bloom, 2=full)
mat_disable_bloom "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "HDR lighting effects" - If set to 1, disables bloom
mat_disable_d3d9ex "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "Windows Aero extensions"- If set to 1, disables Windows Aero DirectX extensions (may positively or negatively affect performance) enable if running +mat_dxlevel 98
mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // (def. "2" ) Sets "set brightness level" - Sets the monitor gamma level
mat_motion_blur_enabled "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "motion blur" - If set to 0, disables motion blur
mat_picmip "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "texture detail" - Sets the resolution of textures (-2=max, -1=very high, 0=high, 1=medium, 2=low)
mat_queue_mode "-1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "multicore support" - Sets the threading mode for the material system (-2=legacy default, -1=default, 0=synchronous single thread, 1=queued single threaded mode, 2=multi-threaded)
mat_reducefillrate "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "shader detail" - Sets the shader fill rate (1=low, 0=high)
mat_vsync "1" // (def. "1" ) Sets "wait for vertical sync" - If set to 0, disables vertical sync (if enabled can cause imput lag and with some multicore convars can cause CTDs)
mat_shadowstate "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "shadow detail" - If set to 0, disables shadows (1=circle as shadow, 2=player model as shadow)
r_shadows "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "shadow detail" - If set to 0, disables shadows (if enabled w/r_queued_decals? can cause CTDs)
r_shadowrendertotexture "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "shadow detail" - Sets the "Shadow Detail" option in the menu
r_waterforceexpensive "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "water detail" - If set to 0, reduces the quality of water (0=Simple reflections, 1=Reflect world)
r_waterforcereflectentities "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "water detail" - If set to 0, reduces the quality of water (1=Reflect all even if r_waterdrawreflection is 0)
r_lod "1" // (def. "-1" ) Sets "model detail" - Sets the level of model detail, becoming less detailed the further away players are (-2=max, -1=very high, 0=high, 1=medium, 2=low)
r_rootlod "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "model detail" - Sets the level of model detail that is loaded into memory (0=high, 1=medium, 2=low)
// Multicore convars
cl_threaded_bone_setup "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables parallel processing of C_BaseAnimating::SetupBones() (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER - CAN CAUSE ERRORS)
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables Valve's leaf system to run in parallel (DO NOT ENABLE - CAUSES ERRORS)
host_thread_mode "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables the host to run in threaded mode (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER)
particle_sim_alt_cores "2" // (def. "2" ) sets the number of CPU cores to run particle effects?
net_queued_packet_thread "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER - LEAVE ENABLED)
r_queued_decals "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables offloading some decal rendering setup to the material system queue (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER - CAN CAUSE ERRORS)
r_queued_ropes "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables parallel processing of ropes (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER - LEAVE ENABLED)
r_queued_post_processing "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables parallel processing of the post-processing effects pipeline (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER - CAN CAUSE ERRORS)
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables the shadow system to run multi-threaded (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER)
r_threaded_particles "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables the particle system to run multi-threaded (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER)
r_threaded_renderables "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables the rendering system to run multi-threaded (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER)
snd_mix_async "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables sound mixing system to run multi-threaded (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER - CAN CAUSE ERRORS)
studio_queue_mode "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables studio.h to run multi-threaded? (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER - LEAVE ENABLED)
I still have a toaster laptop (AMD Athlon X2 + NVIDIA 9100M G) that gets pressed into service for TF2. Wanted to download some different HUDs on it so I decided to share this. Thread limit won't let me post it all, I'll have to break it up. Just copy/paste into notepad and disable word wrap. Hope someone finds this of use.
// twkr's TF2 autoexec.cfg // ( 12.16.2014 ) Sets convars with an emphasis on increasing FPS and reducing clutter (without obliterating graphics)
// Set Launch options // (def. "" ) Set the TF2 launch options as "+mat_dxlevel 80 -threads # -novid" for better preformance (where "#" = core count if > 3) NOTE: DX70 is not allowed on many servers; DX81 water effects are broken (but faster); DX98 offers no tangible benifits
clear; echo " "; echo "// Greetings program!"
// Video options menu convars (can comment out and set in game)
fov_desired "80" // (def. "75" ) Sets "field of view" - Sets the field of view (a lower FOV gives slightly better performance at the cost of viewing angle)
mat_aaquality "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "antiailas mode" - Sets the level of antialisaing (0/1/2 to set level)
mat_antialias "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "antialias mode" - Sets the level of antialisaing (0/2/4/6 to set level)
mat_colorcorrection "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "color correction" - If set to 0, disables color correction (simulates depth on objects)
// mat_dxlevel "80" // (def. "95" ) Sets "hardware DirectX level" - Sets the level of DirectX used (commented out because dxsupport.cfg preset changes video options) to set use +mat_dxlevel in launch options (
mat_forceaniso "0" // (def. "4" ) Sets "filtering mode" - Sets the texture filtering level (0/2/4/8/16 to set level)
mat_trilinear "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "filtering mode" - If set to 0, disables trilinear mipmapping and uses bilinear; trilinear helps banding issues bilinear cannout without the bandwidth/preformance hit of anisotropic (LEAVE ENABLED)
mat_hdr_level "0" // (def. "2" ) Sets "HDR lighting effects" - If set to 0, disables HDR (0=off, 1=HDR+bloom, 2=full)
mat_disable_bloom "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "HDR lighting effects" - If set to 1, disables bloom
mat_disable_d3d9ex "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "Windows Aero extensions"- If set to 1, disables Windows Aero DirectX extensions (may positively or negatively affect performance) enable if running +mat_dxlevel 98
mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // (def. "2" ) Sets "set brightness level" - Sets the monitor gamma level
mat_motion_blur_enabled "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets "motion blur" - If set to 0, disables motion blur
mat_picmip "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "texture detail" - Sets the resolution of textures (-2=max, -1=very high, 0=high, 1=medium, 2=low)
mat_queue_mode "-1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "multicore support" - Sets the threading mode for the material system (-2=legacy default, -1=default, 0=synchronous single thread, 1=queued single threaded mode, 2=multi-threaded)
mat_reducefillrate "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "shader detail" - Sets the shader fill rate (1=low, 0=high)
mat_vsync "1" // (def. "1" ) Sets "wait for vertical sync" - If set to 0, disables vertical sync (if enabled can cause imput lag and with some multicore convars can cause CTDs)
mat_shadowstate "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "shadow detail" - If set to 0, disables shadows (1=circle as shadow, 2=player model as shadow)
r_shadows "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "shadow detail" - If set to 0, disables shadows (if enabled w/r_queued_decals? can cause CTDs)
r_shadowrendertotexture "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "shadow detail" - Sets the "Shadow Detail" option in the menu
r_waterforceexpensive "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "water detail" - If set to 0, reduces the quality of water (0=Simple reflections, 1=Reflect world)
r_waterforcereflectentities "0" // (def. "1" ) Sets "water detail" - If set to 0, reduces the quality of water (1=Reflect all even if r_waterdrawreflection is 0)
r_lod "1" // (def. "-1" ) Sets "model detail" - Sets the level of model detail, becoming less detailed the further away players are (-2=max, -1=very high, 0=high, 1=medium, 2=low)
r_rootlod "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets "model detail" - Sets the level of model detail that is loaded into memory (0=high, 1=medium, 2=low)
// Multicore convars
cl_threaded_bone_setup "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables parallel processing of C_BaseAnimating::SetupBones() (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER - CAN CAUSE ERRORS)
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables Valve's leaf system to run in parallel (DO NOT ENABLE - CAUSES ERRORS)
host_thread_mode "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables the host to run in threaded mode (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER)
particle_sim_alt_cores "2" // (def. "2" ) sets the number of CPU cores to run particle effects?
net_queued_packet_thread "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER - LEAVE ENABLED)
r_queued_decals "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables offloading some decal rendering setup to the material system queue (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER - CAN CAUSE ERRORS)
r_queued_ropes "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables parallel processing of ropes (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER - LEAVE ENABLED)
r_queued_post_processing "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables parallel processing of the post-processing effects pipeline (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER - CAN CAUSE ERRORS)
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables the shadow system to run multi-threaded (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER)
r_threaded_particles "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables the particle system to run multi-threaded (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER)
r_threaded_renderables "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables the rendering system to run multi-threaded (QUAD CORE OR HIGHER)
snd_mix_async "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables sound mixing system to run multi-threaded (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER - CAN CAUSE ERRORS)
studio_queue_mode "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables studio.h to run multi-threaded? (DUAL CORE OR HIGHER - LEAVE ENABLED)
// Rendering convars
datacachesize "512" // (def. "256" ) Sets the data cache size in megabytes (min. 32.000000 max. 512.000000)
cl_forcepreload "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, forces preloading to memory (may reduce stuttering)
cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff "62" // (def. "20" ) Sets the cutoff FPS to skip jiggle bone simulation (set above monitor refresh rate/max fps to disable)
cl_new_impact_effects "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables new bullet impact effects
fps_max "61" // (def. "300" ) Sets the maximum number of frames to render per second
lod_TransitionDist "0" // (def. "800" ) Sets the distance at which the level of detail is reduced (lower = better performance)
mat_alphacoverage "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables antialiasing on alpha-tested primitives (grass and fences) even if AA is enabled
mat_bufferprimitives "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables buffering of map primitives?
mat_clipz "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables an optimization technique to reduce what is drawn on screen
mat_colcorrection_disableentities "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables map color-correction entities (
mat_compressedtextures "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables texture compression (good for video cards with low video RAM)
mat_disable_fancy_blending "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables costly texture blending
mat_disable_ps_patch "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables post-processing patch?
mat_dump_rts "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables dumping of RenderTargets?
mat_envmapsize "64" // (def. "128" ) Sets the size of backgrounds in non-reachable sections of the map (higher = better image quality)
mat_envmaptgasize "16" // (def. "32" ) Sets the size of tga files (higher value = better image quality)
mat_excludetextures "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1. excludes nonmanged textures?
mat_filtertextures "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables texture smoothing (LEAVE ENABLED)
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, offloads textures to GPU
mat_force_ps_patch "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, forces post-processing patch?
mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize "128" // (def. "256" ) Sets the frame buffer size used in post-processing effects?
mat_managedtextures "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, allows Direct3D to manage texture uploading at the cost of extra system memory
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices "4096" // (def. "65536") Sets the maximum number of brush mesh vertices (defines the subdivision of surfaces)
mat_mipmaptextures "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0. disables mipmapping texture smoothing (LEAVE ENABLED)
mat_parallaxmap "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 0, disables parallax mapping (adds greater depth and realism to textures)
mat_reduceparticles "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, reduces particle complexity?
mat_viewportscale "1" // (def. "1" ) Scale down the viewport (min. 0.001563 max. 1.000000) lower values will render lower resolutions (negligable preformance benifit)
mat_viewportupscale "1" // (def. "1" ) Scales the viewport back up ("mat_viewportupscale 1" and "mat_viewportscale 0.5" will downscale world rendering by 50%)
tf_particles_disable_weather "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables weather effects on maps supporting it. (rain)
r_fastzreject "-1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables optimized z-buffering algorithm (-1 to default to hardware)
r_occlusion "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables the occlusion system (tf2 maps that dont use func_occluder because it's costly might give a tiny improvement to FPS by disabling)
r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms "1" // (def. "5" ) Set the time, in milliseconds, to dump particle effects?
// Lighting and shading convars (
cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables muzzle flash dynamic lighting on the surrounding area
glow_outline_effect_enable "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables entity outline glow effects (carts and intel)
mat_bumpmap "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables bumpmapping (adds depth to textures)
mat_disable_lightwarp "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables lighting effects/local model color correction (DirectX 9)
mat_fastspecular "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables fast specularity; used to enable and disable specularity without reloading
mat_filterlightmaps "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables static lightmap smoothing - controls if luxels are smoothed together similar to texels (LEAVE ENABLED)
mat_phong "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables phong shading on all models - disables lightwarps (DirectX 9)
mat_specular "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables specular lighting (ubers) on objects
muzzleflash_light "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables muzzle flash lighting on the surrounding area
r_ambientboost "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables boosting the ambient term if it is swamped by local lights
r_ambientfactor "6" // (def. "5" ) Sets the ambient cubemap lighting boost by no more than this factor
r_ambientmin "0.4" // (def. "0.3" ) Sets the threshold above which ambient cube will not boost (it is already sufficiently bright)
r_dynamic "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables dynamic?
r_lightaverage "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables light averaging (slight FPS increase)
r_lightcache_zbuffercache "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables z-buffering for the light cache system? (computes lighting for moving entities)
r_maxdlights "2" // (def. "32" ) Sets the maximum possible number of dynamic lights
r_PhysPropStaticLighting "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables lighting on physics props?
r_proplightingfromdisk "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables prop lighting from disk? (0=Off, 1=On, 2=show errors)
r_pixelfog "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables atmospheric scattering (DirectX 9)
r_shader_srgb "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets the method of shader rgb lookups (-1=use hardware caps, 0=use hardware srgb, 1=use shader srgb software lookup)
r_worldlights "1" // (def. "4" ) Sets the maximum number of lights to use per vertex
// Rendering convars
datacachesize "512" // (def. "256" ) Sets the data cache size in megabytes (min. 32.000000 max. 512.000000)
cl_forcepreload "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, forces preloading to memory (may reduce stuttering)
cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff "62" // (def. "20" ) Sets the cutoff FPS to skip jiggle bone simulation (set above monitor refresh rate/max fps to disable)
cl_new_impact_effects "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables new bullet impact effects
fps_max "61" // (def. "300" ) Sets the maximum number of frames to render per second
lod_TransitionDist "0" // (def. "800" ) Sets the distance at which the level of detail is reduced (lower = better performance)
mat_alphacoverage "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables antialiasing on alpha-tested primitives (grass and fences) even if AA is enabled
mat_bufferprimitives "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables buffering of map primitives?
mat_clipz "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables an optimization technique to reduce what is drawn on screen
mat_colcorrection_disableentities "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables map color-correction entities (
mat_compressedtextures "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables texture compression (good for video cards with low video RAM)
mat_disable_fancy_blending "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables costly texture blending
mat_disable_ps_patch "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables post-processing patch?
mat_dump_rts "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables dumping of RenderTargets?
mat_envmapsize "64" // (def. "128" ) Sets the size of backgrounds in non-reachable sections of the map (higher = better image quality)
mat_envmaptgasize "16" // (def. "32" ) Sets the size of tga files (higher value = better image quality)
mat_excludetextures "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1. excludes nonmanged textures?
mat_filtertextures "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables texture smoothing (LEAVE ENABLED)
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, offloads textures to GPU
mat_force_ps_patch "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, forces post-processing patch?
mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize "128" // (def. "256" ) Sets the frame buffer size used in post-processing effects?
mat_managedtextures "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, allows Direct3D to manage texture uploading at the cost of extra system memory
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices "4096" // (def. "65536") Sets the maximum number of brush mesh vertices (defines the subdivision of surfaces)
mat_mipmaptextures "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0. disables mipmapping texture smoothing (LEAVE ENABLED)
mat_parallaxmap "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 0, disables parallax mapping (adds greater depth and realism to textures)
mat_reduceparticles "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, reduces particle complexity?
mat_viewportscale "1" // (def. "1" ) Scale down the viewport (min. 0.001563 max. 1.000000) lower values will render lower resolutions (negligable preformance benifit)
mat_viewportupscale "1" // (def. "1" ) Scales the viewport back up ("mat_viewportupscale 1" and "mat_viewportscale 0.5" will downscale world rendering by 50%)
tf_particles_disable_weather "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables weather effects on maps supporting it. (rain)
r_fastzreject "-1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables optimized z-buffering algorithm (-1 to default to hardware)
r_occlusion "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables the occlusion system (tf2 maps that dont use func_occluder because it's costly might give a tiny improvement to FPS by disabling)
r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms "1" // (def. "5" ) Set the time, in milliseconds, to dump particle effects?
// Lighting and shading convars (
cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables muzzle flash dynamic lighting on the surrounding area
glow_outline_effect_enable "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables entity outline glow effects (carts and intel)
mat_bumpmap "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables bumpmapping (adds depth to textures)
mat_disable_lightwarp "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables lighting effects/local model color correction (DirectX 9)
mat_fastspecular "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables fast specularity; used to enable and disable specularity without reloading
mat_filterlightmaps "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables static lightmap smoothing - controls if luxels are smoothed together similar to texels (LEAVE ENABLED)
mat_phong "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables phong shading on all models - disables lightwarps (DirectX 9)
mat_specular "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables specular lighting (ubers) on objects
muzzleflash_light "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables muzzle flash lighting on the surrounding area
r_ambientboost "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables boosting the ambient term if it is swamped by local lights
r_ambientfactor "6" // (def. "5" ) Sets the ambient cubemap lighting boost by no more than this factor
r_ambientmin "0.4" // (def. "0.3" ) Sets the threshold above which ambient cube will not boost (it is already sufficiently bright)
r_dynamic "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables dynamic?
r_lightaverage "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables light averaging (slight FPS increase)
r_lightcache_zbuffercache "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables z-buffering for the light cache system? (computes lighting for moving entities)
r_maxdlights "2" // (def. "32" ) Sets the maximum possible number of dynamic lights
r_PhysPropStaticLighting "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables lighting on physics props?
r_proplightingfromdisk "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables prop lighting from disk? (0=Off, 1=On, 2=show errors)
r_pixelfog "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables atmospheric scattering (DirectX 9)
r_shader_srgb "0" // (def. "0" ) Sets the method of shader rgb lookups (-1=use hardware caps, 0=use hardware srgb, 1=use shader srgb software lookup)
r_worldlights "1" // (def. "4" ) Sets the maximum number of lights to use per vertex
when the first thing your config does is change your fov to anything lower than 90, no one is going to take your cfg seriously.
edit: also, pastebin it dude lol
when the first thing your config does is change your fov to anything lower than 90, no one is going to take your cfg seriously.
edit: also, pastebin it dude lol
you could have just uploaded it to dropbox or something lmao
you could have just uploaded it to dropbox or something lmao
// Decal convars (sprays and bullet holes)
cl_playerspraydisable "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables player sprays
mp_decals "20" // (def. "200" ) Sets the maximum number of player decals
r_3dsky "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables rendering of additional sky box details (fluffy clouds)
r_decal_cover_count "3" // (def. "4" ) Sets the number of decals that can be covered?
r_decal_cullsize "10" // (def. "1" ) Sets the size at which decals are not rendered
r_decal_overlap_count "2" // (def. "3" ) Sets the number of decals that can overlap each other?
r_decals "128" // (def. "2048" ) Sets the maximum number of decals possible at any one time that can be displayed (lower numbers can improve performance)
r_decalstaticprops "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables static props decals test?
r_drawmodeldecals "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables drawing of decals on models (but not walls and floors)
r_overlayfadeenable "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables fading of overlay decals (posters and signs) based on distance
r_overlayfademax "3000" // (def. "2000" ) Sets the distance for overlays to be fully invisable (transparency fade effect)
r_overlayfademin "2000" // (def. "1750" ) Sets the distance for overlays to be fully visible (transparency fade effect)
r_maxmodeldecal "10" // (def. "50" ) Sets the maximum number of decals on a model
r_maxnewsamples "3" // (def. "6" ) Sets the maximum number of decals to sample?
r_maxsampledist "64" // (def. "128" ) Sets the distance for decals to sample?
r_minnewsamples "1" // (def. "3" ) Sets the minimum number of decals to sample?
r_renderoverlayfragment "0" // (def. "1" ) If set it 0, disables rendering of some surface decals (posters and signs)
r_spray_lifetime "2" // (def. "2" ) Sets the maximum number of rounds player sprays are visible
// Prop convars (grass and gibs)
cl_detaildist "0" // (def. "1200" ) Sets the distance at which detail props are no longer visible (grass)
cl_detailfade "0" // (def. "400" ) Sets the distance it takes for detail props to fade in from transparent to opaque (if cl_detailfade >= cl_detaildist then cl_detailfade=0)
cl_phys_props_enable "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables physics props (player gibs)
cl_phys_props_max "0" // (def. "300" ) Sets the maximum amount of physics props allowed
prop_active_gib_limit "0" // (def. "9999" ) Sets the maximum number of gibs rendered
props_break_max_pieces "0" // (def. "-1" ) Sets the maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
props_break_max_pieces_perframe "0" // (def. "-1" ) Sets the maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default)
r_drawdetailprops "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables the rendering of detail props such as grass (0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe)
r_drawflecks "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables the sparks and dirt from bullet impacts
r_propsmaxdist "0" // (def. "1200" ) Sets the maximum distance which props are visable.
r_staticprop_lod "2" // (def. "-1" ) Sets the level of detail on static props (-1=very high 0=high, 1=medium, 2=low)
violence_hblood "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables human blood?
violence_hgibs "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables human gib entities?
// Water convars (
cl_show_splashes "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables water splashes
fast_fogvolume "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables less expensive fogvolume entity (water)
mat_wateroverlaysize "128" // (def. "256" ) Sets the water overlay texture entity size (Large overlays cost more)
r_cheapwaterend "3000" // (def. "1000" ) Sets the distance of when inexpensive water rendering stops (water becomes black after this value) needs to be set after mapload
r_cheapwaterstart "0" // (def. "500" ) Sets the distance of when inexpensive water rendering starts (less graphics intensive water starts after this value) needs to be set after mapload
r_forcewaterleaf "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables optimization for water (considers view in leaf under water for culling)
r_WaterDrawReflection "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables reflections on water surface
r_WaterDrawRefraction "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables water refraction - makes you unable to see though water (LEAVE ENABLED)
// Decal convars (sprays and bullet holes)
cl_playerspraydisable "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables player sprays
mp_decals "20" // (def. "200" ) Sets the maximum number of player decals
r_3dsky "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables rendering of additional sky box details (fluffy clouds)
r_decal_cover_count "3" // (def. "4" ) Sets the number of decals that can be covered?
r_decal_cullsize "10" // (def. "1" ) Sets the size at which decals are not rendered
r_decal_overlap_count "2" // (def. "3" ) Sets the number of decals that can overlap each other?
r_decals "128" // (def. "2048" ) Sets the maximum number of decals possible at any one time that can be displayed (lower numbers can improve performance)
r_decalstaticprops "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables static props decals test?
r_drawmodeldecals "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables drawing of decals on models (but not walls and floors)
r_overlayfadeenable "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables fading of overlay decals (posters and signs) based on distance
r_overlayfademax "3000" // (def. "2000" ) Sets the distance for overlays to be fully invisable (transparency fade effect)
r_overlayfademin "2000" // (def. "1750" ) Sets the distance for overlays to be fully visible (transparency fade effect)
r_maxmodeldecal "10" // (def. "50" ) Sets the maximum number of decals on a model
r_maxnewsamples "3" // (def. "6" ) Sets the maximum number of decals to sample?
r_maxsampledist "64" // (def. "128" ) Sets the distance for decals to sample?
r_minnewsamples "1" // (def. "3" ) Sets the minimum number of decals to sample?
r_renderoverlayfragment "0" // (def. "1" ) If set it 0, disables rendering of some surface decals (posters and signs)
r_spray_lifetime "2" // (def. "2" ) Sets the maximum number of rounds player sprays are visible
// Prop convars (grass and gibs)
cl_detaildist "0" // (def. "1200" ) Sets the distance at which detail props are no longer visible (grass)
cl_detailfade "0" // (def. "400" ) Sets the distance it takes for detail props to fade in from transparent to opaque (if cl_detailfade >= cl_detaildist then cl_detailfade=0)
cl_phys_props_enable "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables physics props (player gibs)
cl_phys_props_max "0" // (def. "300" ) Sets the maximum amount of physics props allowed
prop_active_gib_limit "0" // (def. "9999" ) Sets the maximum number of gibs rendered
props_break_max_pieces "0" // (def. "-1" ) Sets the maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
props_break_max_pieces_perframe "0" // (def. "-1" ) Sets the maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default)
r_drawdetailprops "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables the rendering of detail props such as grass (0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe)
r_drawflecks "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables the sparks and dirt from bullet impacts
r_propsmaxdist "0" // (def. "1200" ) Sets the maximum distance which props are visable.
r_staticprop_lod "2" // (def. "-1" ) Sets the level of detail on static props (-1=very high 0=high, 1=medium, 2=low)
violence_hblood "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables human blood?
violence_hgibs "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables human gib entities?
// Water convars (
cl_show_splashes "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables water splashes
fast_fogvolume "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables less expensive fogvolume entity (water)
mat_wateroverlaysize "128" // (def. "256" ) Sets the water overlay texture entity size (Large overlays cost more)
r_cheapwaterend "3000" // (def. "1000" ) Sets the distance of when inexpensive water rendering stops (water becomes black after this value) needs to be set after mapload
r_cheapwaterstart "0" // (def. "500" ) Sets the distance of when inexpensive water rendering starts (less graphics intensive water starts after this value) needs to be set after mapload
r_forcewaterleaf "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables optimization for water (considers view in leaf under water for culling)
r_WaterDrawReflection "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables reflections on water surface
r_WaterDrawRefraction "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables water refraction - makes you unable to see though water (LEAVE ENABLED)
im not sure how to feel about this. basically you copy pasted an fps config into your autoexec, then you copy pasted you autoexec here without any description, changes, a reason WHY, or anything that might give other users an indication as to why they should use this.
im not sure how to feel about this. basically you copy pasted an fps config into your autoexec, then you copy pasted you autoexec here without any description, changes, a reason WHY, or anything that might give other users an indication as to why they should use this.
// Player convars
cl_autoreload "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, weapons with clips will automaticlly reload
cl_ejectbrass "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables shell ejection
cl_burninggibs "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables a burning player that gibs to have burning gibs
cl_ragdoll_collide "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables collision detection between character models when they die so they don't overlap
cl_ragdoll_fade_time "0" // (def. "15" ) Sets the time, in seconds, for how long corpses stay on the ground
cl_ragdoll_forcefade "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, makes ragdolls disappear after cl_ragdoll_fade_time value
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables death animation (causes ragdolls to stand in place)
flex_smooth "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables smoothing/decay curve to flex animation controller changes (better animation)
g_ragdoll_fadespeed "0" // (def. "600" ) Sets how fast player models fade from view
g_ragdoll_important_maxcount "0" // (def. "2" ) Sets how many important ragdolls are allowed to be shown?
g_ragdoll_maxcount "0" // (def. "8" ) Sets how many ragdolls are allowed to be shown
mat_disablehwmorph "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables hardware based morphing on some models
mp_usehwmmodels "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to -1, disables the use of the hw morph models (higher res face textures) on low end cards (-1=never 1=always 0=based upon GPU)
mp_usehwmvcds "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to -1, disables the use of the hw morph vcd(s) (higher res animations) on low end cards (-1=never 1=always 0=based upon GPU)
ragdoll_sleepaftertime "0" // (def. "5" ) Sets the time, in seconds, for how long the ragdoll animation lasts (if ragdolls are freezing where they die, set a slighty higher value than 0)
// r_drawviewmodel "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables weapon model rendering
r_eyes "1" // (def. "1" ) IF set to 0, disables eye rendering (LEAVE ENABLED)
r_eyegloss "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables eye gloss effect
r_eyemove "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables eye movement
r_flex "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables mouth movement
r_shadowmaxrendered "0" // (def. "32" ) Sets how many player shadows can be rendered at any one time
r_teeth "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables teeth rendering
// viewmodel_fov "65" // (def. "54" ) Sets the fov of the weapon (if enabled)
// Rope convars
r_ropetranslucent "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables translucent lighting effects on ropes
rope_averagelight "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity on ropes
rope_collide "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables rope collisions
rope_rendersolid "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables rendering of ropes and cables
rope_shake "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables rope movement in wind
rope_smooth "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables antialiasing effect on ropes
rope_smooth_enlarge "0" // (def. "1.4" ) Sets how much to enlarge ropes for antialiasing
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "0" // (def. "1.75" ) Sets the maximum alpha width for rope antialiasing
rope_subdiv "0" // (def. "2" ) Sets the maximum rope subdivision amount for anti-aliasing (2/4/8)
rope_wind_dist "0" // (def. "1000" ) Sets the distance when the game stops applying wind effects to ropes
// Sound convars
dsp_enhance_stereo "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables stereo effect enhancements (slight performance cost)
dsp_slow_cpu "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables reduction in dsp sound effect quality (helps with very slow CPUs)
dsp_water "1" // (def. "14" ) If set to 1, disables under water sound effects
phonemedelay ".04" // (def. "0" ) Sets the phoneme delay to account for sound system latency?
phonemefilter "0.4" // (def. "0.8" ) Sets the time duration of box filter to pass over phonemes?
phonemesnap "1" // (def. "2" ) Sets the Lod at level at which visemes stops always considering two phonemes regardless of duration? (1=don't force blend)
snd_async_fullyasync "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables all playback to be fully async (sound doesn't play until data arrives - enabling may reduce stuttering)
snd_async_minsize "262144" // (def."262144") Sets the memory buffer, in bytes, for async sound playback? (not the cache)
snd_async_spew_blocking "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables messages to console any time async sound loading blocks on file loading
snd_cull_duplicates "3" // (def. "0" ) Sets the number of duplicate sounds allowed to be played (if nonzero, enables aggressive duplicate sound culling during mixing)
snd_mixahead "0.05" // (def. "0.1" ) Sets the delay, in seconds, for sound mixing (higher=less audio stuttering, lower=better gameplay because of audio cues, 0.04=lowest value that typically gets rid of audio errors but is system dependent)
snd_musicvolume "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables game music
snd_pitchquality "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables more expensive pitch effects
snd_spatialize_roundrobin "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets the sound optimization for low-end computers (if nonzero, spatializes only a fraction of sound channels each frame, equal to 1/2^x of channels)
Eh could have uploaded elsewhere; blah blah didn't care enough to bother.
// Player convars
cl_autoreload "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, weapons with clips will automaticlly reload
cl_ejectbrass "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables shell ejection
cl_burninggibs "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables a burning player that gibs to have burning gibs
cl_ragdoll_collide "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables collision detection between character models when they die so they don't overlap
cl_ragdoll_fade_time "0" // (def. "15" ) Sets the time, in seconds, for how long corpses stay on the ground
cl_ragdoll_forcefade "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, makes ragdolls disappear after cl_ragdoll_fade_time value
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables death animation (causes ragdolls to stand in place)
flex_smooth "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables smoothing/decay curve to flex animation controller changes (better animation)
g_ragdoll_fadespeed "0" // (def. "600" ) Sets how fast player models fade from view
g_ragdoll_important_maxcount "0" // (def. "2" ) Sets how many important ragdolls are allowed to be shown?
g_ragdoll_maxcount "0" // (def. "8" ) Sets how many ragdolls are allowed to be shown
mat_disablehwmorph "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables hardware based morphing on some models
mp_usehwmmodels "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to -1, disables the use of the hw morph models (higher res face textures) on low end cards (-1=never 1=always 0=based upon GPU)
mp_usehwmvcds "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to -1, disables the use of the hw morph vcd(s) (higher res animations) on low end cards (-1=never 1=always 0=based upon GPU)
ragdoll_sleepaftertime "0" // (def. "5" ) Sets the time, in seconds, for how long the ragdoll animation lasts (if ragdolls are freezing where they die, set a slighty higher value than 0)
// r_drawviewmodel "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables weapon model rendering
r_eyes "1" // (def. "1" ) IF set to 0, disables eye rendering (LEAVE ENABLED)
r_eyegloss "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables eye gloss effect
r_eyemove "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables eye movement
r_flex "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables mouth movement
r_shadowmaxrendered "0" // (def. "32" ) Sets how many player shadows can be rendered at any one time
r_teeth "1" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables teeth rendering
// viewmodel_fov "65" // (def. "54" ) Sets the fov of the weapon (if enabled)
// Rope convars
r_ropetranslucent "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables translucent lighting effects on ropes
rope_averagelight "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity on ropes
rope_collide "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables rope collisions
rope_rendersolid "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables rendering of ropes and cables
rope_shake "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables rope movement in wind
rope_smooth "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 1, enables antialiasing effect on ropes
rope_smooth_enlarge "0" // (def. "1.4" ) Sets how much to enlarge ropes for antialiasing
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "0" // (def. "1.75" ) Sets the maximum alpha width for rope antialiasing
rope_subdiv "0" // (def. "2" ) Sets the maximum rope subdivision amount for anti-aliasing (2/4/8)
rope_wind_dist "0" // (def. "1000" ) Sets the distance when the game stops applying wind effects to ropes
// Sound convars
dsp_enhance_stereo "0" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables stereo effect enhancements (slight performance cost)
dsp_slow_cpu "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables reduction in dsp sound effect quality (helps with very slow CPUs)
dsp_water "1" // (def. "14" ) If set to 1, disables under water sound effects
phonemedelay ".04" // (def. "0" ) Sets the phoneme delay to account for sound system latency?
phonemefilter "0.4" // (def. "0.8" ) Sets the time duration of box filter to pass over phonemes?
phonemesnap "1" // (def. "2" ) Sets the Lod at level at which visemes stops always considering two phonemes regardless of duration? (1=don't force blend)
snd_async_fullyasync "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, enables all playback to be fully async (sound doesn't play until data arrives - enabling may reduce stuttering)
snd_async_minsize "262144" // (def."262144") Sets the memory buffer, in bytes, for async sound playback? (not the cache)
snd_async_spew_blocking "1" // (def. "0" ) If set to 1, disables messages to console any time async sound loading blocks on file loading
snd_cull_duplicates "3" // (def. "0" ) Sets the number of duplicate sounds allowed to be played (if nonzero, enables aggressive duplicate sound culling during mixing)
snd_mixahead "0.05" // (def. "0.1" ) Sets the delay, in seconds, for sound mixing (higher=less audio stuttering, lower=better gameplay because of audio cues, 0.04=lowest value that typically gets rid of audio errors but is system dependent)
snd_musicvolume "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables game music
snd_pitchquality "0" // (def. "1" ) If set to 0, disables more expensive pitch effects
snd_spatialize_roundrobin "1" // (def. "0" ) Sets the sound optimization for low-end computers (if nonzero, spatializes only a fraction of sound channels each frame, equal to 1/2^x of channels)
Eh could have uploaded elsewhere; blah blah didn't care enough to bother.
twkrEh could have uploaded elsewhere; blah blah didn't care enough to bother.
you spent 3x as much effort splitting your autoexec up into 4 posts, than pastebin would have taken you
(actually it took you 20 mins from part 1 to part 4)
[quote=twkr]Eh could have uploaded elsewhere; blah blah didn't care enough to bother.[/quote]
you spent 3x as much effort splitting your autoexec up into 4 posts, than pastebin would have taken you
(actually it took you 20 mins from part 1 to part 4)
fov_desired "80" // (def. "75" ) Sets "field of view" - Sets the field
mat_vsync "1" // (def. "1" ) Sets "wait for vertical sync" - If set to 0,
This proves a point
fov_desired "80" // (def. "75" ) Sets "field of view" - Sets the field
mat_vsync "1" // (def. "1" ) Sets "wait for vertical sync" - If set to 0,
This proves a point
holy shit calm down, whos gonna read all that crap? also anything with toaster in the title is gonna be an instant -frag
holy shit calm down, whos gonna read all that crap? also anything with toaster in the title is gonna be an instant -frag
I like how after each massive batch of text somebody told him to use pastebin, and yet the copying and pasting continued
I like how after each massive batch of text somebody told him to use pastebin, and yet the copying and pasting continued
how many more frames do i get with fov_desired 89?
how many more frames do i get with fov_desired 89?
80 fov literally gives me motion sickness, in any first person game
80 fov literally gives me motion sickness, in any first person game
Spannzer80 fov literally gives me motion sickness, in any first person game
TF2 is one of the few where I can tolerate 90, on other games that feels so horrible
[quote=Spannzer]80 fov literally gives me motion sickness, in any first person game[/quote]
TF2 is one of the few where I can tolerate 90, on other games that feels so horrible
90 fov is actually 106.3 fov on 16:9
90 fov is actually 106.3 fov on 16:9
hooli90 fov is actually 106.3 fov on 16:9
Ye always thought it felt more than 90, for example in games like mirror's edge 90 fov feels so small compared tp tf2, but this explains it :)
[quote=hooli]90 fov is actually 106.3 fov on 16:9[/quote]
Ye always thought it felt more than 90, for example in games like mirror's edge 90 fov feels so small compared tp tf2, but this explains it :)