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LF Medic Mentor
posted in Mentoring
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I've been playing for a while, and I'd like to think that I have my basics down. But I'm new to ESEA, had part of a season in CEVO Open, but the team had to disband part way through the season. Now I am on an Open team for the coming season.

I think I can improve the most with my positioning, and my play during transitions. I'd be looking for a mentor, preferably IM+, who could help me bring my game to the next level, but it would be awesome to get some general advice for my team as well. A lot of medic, in my experience, is heavily reliant on how the team is choosing to play.

If you've got the time, or even just some passing advice, add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/_In_Sanity/

I've been playing for a while, and I'd like to think that I have my basics down. But I'm new to ESEA, had part of a season in CEVO Open, but the team had to disband part way through the season. Now I am on an Open team for the coming season.

I think I can improve the most with my positioning, and my play during transitions. I'd be looking for a mentor, preferably IM+, who could help me bring my game to the next level, but it would be awesome to get some general advice for my team as well. A lot of medic, in my experience, is heavily reliant on how the team is choosing to play.

If you've got the time, or even just some passing advice, add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/_In_Sanity/
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