Hey Im looking for a team- I'm good at Soldier, Medic and Demo add me to join if ya need me I have 900 Hours! http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaym8/
To explain the link above, the two primary leagues for NA 6s would be ESEA and UGC. ESEA would be higher leveled, but still open to everyone. UGC would be lower leveled, but costs no money to play and the easier competition might ease you into competitive in a more enjoyable fashion. Regardless of if you'd prefer tougher competition or not, ESEAs current season just began within the last week, and practically every team has a set roster. UGCs upcoming season will begin in around a month and teams are still forming, so it's suggested you post on their Recruitment forum in the Looking for Team section to give yourself a shot at playing.
Also, short posts like these are a dime a dozen. Try to add in more information about yourself, how dedicated you may or might not be, interest in competing or playing for fun, your previous competitive background/experience or lack thereof (not hours), etc. Good luck!
Also, short posts like these are a dime a dozen. Try to add in more information about yourself, how dedicated you may or might not be, interest in competing or playing for fun, your previous competitive background/experience or lack thereof (not hours), etc. Good luck!