Hello Lads i am Megalinx Im looking for a dedicated team looking to make playoffs This will be my 3rd season of open i played s19 with Mad Lux Light and s20 With Hong kong cavilers i hope you can give me your time
https://play.esea.net/teams/113388 : hong kong cavs
https://play.esea.net/teams/93491 : mad lux light if you were curious
Hello Lads i am Megalinx Im looking for a dedicated team looking to make playoffs This will be my 3rd season of open i played s19 with Mad Lux Light and s20 With Hong kong cavilers i hope you can give me your time
https://play.esea.net/teams/113388 : hong kong cavs
https://play.esea.net/teams/93491 : mad lux light if you were curious
Megalinx has mad DM. He will put out big damage and hit all of the pipes. That being said, your team needs to give him heals for him to do the damage effectively. He plays aggressively, so if he doesn't get the tank heals in stalemates he won't always do as well. He's also pretty quiet. Altogether, a good mid-open demo imo, could def be bubble if he finds the right team who will play around him. Give him a shot!
Megalinx has mad DM. He [i]will[/i] put out big damage and hit all of the pipes. That being said, your team needs to give him heals for him to do the damage effectively. He plays aggressively, so if he doesn't get the tank heals in stalemates he won't always do as well. He's also pretty quiet. Altogether, a good mid-open demo imo, could def be bubble if he finds the right team who will play around him. Give him a shot!