I'm going to get a pro ks rl kit soon (or not so soon) but I have no clue what kind to get.
Is there any way I can use a command to get the eye effects on myself or a bot with my loadout on to check it out? Thanks in advance
Is there any way I can use a command to get the eye effects on myself or a bot with my loadout on to check it out? Thanks in advance
I know what a pro ks kit is, I just want to see the effects with my own loadout (preferably) on soldier.
you can do it in sfm or maybe with serverside plugins but no command
you'd have to use sfm, i don't believe itemtest supports KS but even if it did, itemtest is purely cosmetic and wouldn't register kills with something that looks KS as if it were actually a KS weapon
also in SFM you can't add killstreak sheens, only the actual eye effect
also in SFM you can't add killstreak sheens, only the actual eye effect
Works for everything
honestly remarkable that someone managed to get something like that working, but the lighting is really off and all of the KS effect particles are broken as hell. unusuals and skins work great though
Works for everything[/quote]
honestly remarkable that someone managed to get something like that working, but the lighting is really off and all of the KS effect particles are broken as hell. unusuals and skins work great though
I found this vid but I want to recreate this myself to see these killstreak effects on soldier
I found this vid but I want to recreate this myself to see these killstreak effects on soldier
Lol I'm really late on this one but if anyone comes here looking for an answer just go to this server I don't know if there's the same thing happening on wonderlands other servers just know this one works. Once you're in the server just type: !ksm and select your sheen and eye effect, gl.