name: Austin "junkstr" Boone
Class: duh
timezone: NA Central(east or west is fine by me)
Game type: 6v6
i feel like i have a good understanding of the medic class and my "duties" as a 6v6 medic. I just need to find a team that is a good fit for me and willing to work together. add me on steam and we'll talk
name: Austin "junkstr" Boone
Class: duh
timezone: NA Central(east or west is fine by me)
Game type: 6v6
i feel like i have a good understanding of the medic class and my "duties" as a 6v6 medic. I just need to find a team that is a good fit for me and willing to work together. add me on steam and we'll talk
Message me. We need a good medic that isn't suicidal and can aim. Yes, we need a medic that can aim his mouse.
Message me. We need a good medic that isn't suicidal and can aim. Yes, we need a medic that can aim his mouse.