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Demo Glitch
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Would anyone happen to know why this glitch is occurring in my demos? https://i.gyazo.com/cc3776631cfbd0ec35f43afb39995bd0.png
A lot of doorways look like this.

Would anyone happen to know why this glitch is occurring in my demos? https://i.gyazo.com/cc3776631cfbd0ec35f43afb39995bd0.png
A lot of doorways look like this.
5 Frags +

Yep, seems to be happening only on Process, the only way to remove those visible Areaportals is by typing in console r_portalsopenall 1

Yep, seems to be happening only on Process, the only way to remove those visible Areaportals is by typing in console [b]r_portalsopenall 1[/b]
5 Frags +
popcorpYep, seems to be happening only on Process, the only way to remove those visible Areaportals is by typing in console r_portalsopenall 1

It was happening on snakewater too. That command worked though, thank you.

[quote=popcorp]Yep, seems to be happening only on Process, the only way to remove those visible Areaportals is by typing in console [b]r_portalsopenall 1[/b][/quote]

It was happening on snakewater too. That command worked though, thank you.
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