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Casting Binds
posted in Q/A Help
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Hey! I am looking to getting into casting/production, and one of the hardest obstacles right now is trying to switch to the person I want to see without cycling through everyone else on the server. It looks unprofessional and means I could miss a play from the right POV. I would like to know how cameramen are able to quickly switch to a certain POV with the push of a button. I have tried to use the spec_player command, but it doesn't work in STV demos (haven't tried it on a server live).

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Hey! I am looking to getting into casting/production, and one of the hardest obstacles right now is trying to switch to the person I want to see without cycling through everyone else on the server. It looks unprofessional and means I could miss a play from the right POV. I would like to know how cameramen are able to quickly switch to a certain POV with the push of a button. I have tried to use the spec_player command, but it doesn't work in STV demos (haven't tried it on a server live).

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
16 Frags +

Pretty sure the spec_player command is outright broken.

We use spec_tools/statusspec for player switching binds. Statusspec's binds are broken at the moment pending an SDK update from Valve. As far as I know they crash the game when you attempt to use them. Spec_tools is also mostly broken but the binds do still work, here's a link to an unsupported, ghetto, binds-only version of spec_tools http://puu.sh/nTnLR/e2c209ce54.zip.

The binds I use for spec tools are:

bind "KP_END"        "spec_player_cc 3 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW"  "spec_player_cc 3 1 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_PGDN"       "spec_player_cc 3 3; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW"  "spec_player_cc 3 3 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_5"          "spec_player_cc 3 4; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "spec_player_cc 3 5; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_HOME"       "spec_player_cc 3 7; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_UPARROW"    "spec_player_cc 3 6; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_PGUP"       "spec_player_cc 3 9; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_SLASH"      "spec_player_cc 3 2; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_MULTIPLY"   "spec_player_cc 3 8; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"

bind "1" "spec_player_cc 2 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "2" "spec_player_cc 2 1 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "3" "spec_player_cc 2 3; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "4" "spec_player_cc 2 3 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "5" "spec_player_cc 2 4; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "6" "spec_player_cc 2 5; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "7" "spec_player_cc 2 7; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "8" "spec_player_cc 2 6; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "9" "spec_player_cc 2 9; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "0" "spec_player_cc 2 2; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "-" "spec_player_cc 2 8; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"

The number row is red team, the number pad is blu team. 1-6 on either one of them is scout scout soldier soldier demoman medic. 7 8 9 is pyro heavy engineer then on the number row - = is sniper spy on the number pad / * sniper spy.

The binds also turn off autodirector and force the view into first person.

Edit: Fixed the link, posted a really old version before

Pretty sure the spec_player command is outright broken.

We use spec_tools/statusspec for player switching binds. Statusspec's binds are broken at the moment pending an SDK update from Valve. As far as I know they crash the game when you attempt to use them. Spec_tools is also mostly broken but the binds do still work, here's a link to an [b]unsupported[/b], ghetto, binds-only version of spec_tools http://puu.sh/nTnLR/e2c209ce54.zip.

The binds I use for spec tools are:
[code]bind "KP_END" "spec_player_cc 3 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "spec_player_cc 3 1 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_PGDN" "spec_player_cc 3 3; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "spec_player_cc 3 3 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_5" "spec_player_cc 3 4; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "spec_player_cc 3 5; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_HOME" "spec_player_cc 3 7; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "spec_player_cc 3 6; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_PGUP" "spec_player_cc 3 9; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_SLASH" "spec_player_cc 3 2; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "KP_MULTIPLY" "spec_player_cc 3 8; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"

bind "1" "spec_player_cc 2 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "2" "spec_player_cc 2 1 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "3" "spec_player_cc 2 3; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "4" "spec_player_cc 2 3 1; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "5" "spec_player_cc 2 4; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "6" "spec_player_cc 2 5; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "7" "spec_player_cc 2 7; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "8" "spec_player_cc 2 6; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "9" "spec_player_cc 2 9; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "0" "spec_player_cc 2 2; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"
bind "-" "spec_player_cc 2 8; spec_autodirector 0; spec_mode 4"[/code]

The number row is red team, the number pad is blu team. 1-6 on either one of them is scout scout soldier soldier demoman medic. 7 8 9 is pyro heavy engineer then on the number row - = is sniper spy on the number pad / * sniper spy.

The binds also turn off autodirector and force the view into first person.

Edit: Fixed the link, posted a really old version before
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