sorry if its known already
9 minutes until their official :)
9 minutes until their official :)
they should pick up buttnose tbh
they should pick up buttnose tbh
bracing for it to be a troll, they seemed to be having a nice time at dh :/
bracing for it to be a troll, they seemed to be having a nice time at dh :/
buttnose played the 2nd map of their scrim and is playing for them in their match right now.
buttnose played the 2nd map of their scrim and is playing for them in their match right now.
Reminds of the time when Mike ragequit Infused, who knows, give Thaigrr some time and he'll become the next best soldier in the world <:
Reminds of the time when Mike ragequit Infused, who knows, give Thaigrr some time and he'll become the next best soldier in the world <:
Apparently atomic aswell???
you guys need to nominate buttnose on scout of the season, soldier of the season, and medic of the season he's like a team less alfa
you guys need to nominate buttnose on scout of the season, soldier of the season, and medic of the season he's like a team less alfa
Dreamhack was a lot of fun,for my first LAN. But build up to it and after LAN I just really wasn't feeling like playing and it was showing in play... I would play 1 game and feel like it was a full night and not want to play anymore so I decided to not play anymore so they can pick someone who actually wants to play with the team. Wasn't because of anyone or anything in particular I just genuinely wasn't enjoying the game anymore. No hard feelings towards anyone and hopefully none towards me. Hope them all the best of luck with the season and i58.
Dreamhack was a lot of fun,for my first LAN. But build up to it and after LAN I just really wasn't feeling like playing and it was showing in play... I would play 1 game and feel like it was a full night and not want to play anymore so I decided to not play anymore so they can pick someone who actually wants to play with the team. Wasn't because of anyone or anything in particular I just genuinely wasn't enjoying the game anymore. No hard feelings towards anyone and hopefully none towards me. Hope them all the best of luck with the season and i58.
It's no wonder that putting up with ams takes it's toll eventually. Especially when all he does is this.
It's no wonder that putting up with ams takes it's toll eventually. Especially when all he does is [url=]this.[/url]