Looking for mid-high open offers for Roamer or Pocket in upcoming season
Have mid open experience on a team that died to our leader having to forfeit matches because of his schedule. As well as many seasons of High Silver.
can main call (have on many of my past teams when I played a combo class)
Usually always free, can scrim any day of the week
Good game sense
Good DM
Might chase a frag to often (trying to break that habit)
Prefer to be done by 11-11:30 on weekdays
Tend to get aggressive farther then should/necessary
A team that doesn't use LGBT+ or mental illness slurs in comms
Add me if interested
Steam-http://steamcommunity.com/id/SkylerIsBesGrill/ (please read the first half of my "view more info" before adding me)
Looking for mid-high open offers for Roamer or Pocket in upcoming season
Have mid open experience on a team that died to our leader having to forfeit matches because of his schedule. As well as many seasons of High Silver.
can main call (have on many of my past teams when I played a combo class)
Usually always free, can scrim any day of the week
Good game sense
Good DM
Might chase a frag to often (trying to break that habit)
Prefer to be done by 11-11:30 on weekdays
Tend to get aggressive farther then should/necessary
A team that doesn't use LGBT+ or mental illness slurs in comms
Add me if interested
Steam-http://steamcommunity.com/id/SkylerIsBesGrill/ (please read the first half of my "view more info" before adding me)