Looking for dedicated players to start this season of ESEA with. I have one goal in mind and that's to win open, we may not do it this season but there is always the next. If you feel you are a dedicated enough player to join our team I must warn that I will attempt to hold at least 1 scrim everyday.
Current Roster
- Scout: Junkrat
- Scout: ( available )
- Roamer: ( available )
- Pocket: Mercy
- Demo: ( available )
- Medic: ( available )
Feel free to add me or comment on my profile about any of the positions above.
Looking for dedicated players to start this season of ESEA with. I have one goal in mind and that's to win open, we may not do it this season but there is always the next. If you feel you are a dedicated enough player to join our team I must warn that I will attempt to hold at least 1 scrim everyday.
[b]Current Roster[/b]
[*] Scout: Junkrat
[*] Scout: ( available )
[*] Roamer: ( available )
[*] Pocket: Mercy
[*] Demo: ( available )
[*] Medic: ( available )
Feel free to add me or comment on my profile about any of the positions above.
Shouldn't Mercy be playing medic?
Shouldn't Mercy be playing medic?
Shouldn't Junkrat be playing demo?
Shouldn't Junkrat be playing demo?
If someone joins this roster, do they need to alias to a OW character?
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These comments so far are pretty dumb, I'm sorry for joining in, but I can't resist.
If someone joins this roster, do they need to alias to a OW character?
[spoiler]These comments so far are pretty dumb, I'm sorry for joining in, but I can't resist.[/spoiler]
no our aliases have nothing to do with our team composition I am sorry to say
no our aliases have nothing to do with our team composition I am sorry to say