Hello my friends. Bring Back the Funk is looking for a scout for the upcoming LAN. We were a low-playoff Open team last season and are currently placed in IM, to give a bit of an idea of skill.
Current Roster:
Roamer: Clopez
Pocket: Unicorn Wizard
Demo: BiG
Medic: Affliction
We also have a room for 4 of us you could probably crash in if needed.
Add Clopez or I to discuss: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036273110
Hello my friends. Bring Back the Funk is looking for a scout for the upcoming LAN. We were a low-playoff Open team last season and are currently placed in IM, to give a bit of an idea of skill.
Current Roster:
Roamer: Clopez
Pocket: Unicorn Wizard
Demo: BiG
Medic: Affliction
We also have a room for 4 of us you could probably crash in if needed.
Add Clopez or I to discuss: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036273110
Bump, we have someone who is unsure if they can come, so we are still in bad need of a scout.
Bump, we have someone who is unsure if they can come, so we are still in bad need of a scout.