Which are optimal? I feel like esdf is p much objectively better than wasd but idk any others
arrow keys have been default for years therefore pretty optimal
Am I the only one that uses two keyboards and no mouse? I use the left keyboard for movement and the right one for aiming. I use the arrow keys on the right one to look around and turn and use the 0 key on the numpad to shoot.
I remember I had a friend that kept his left hand on the standard home row and had his configuration something like this
a - back
s - left
d - forward
f - right
his shift was always either crouch or z, he changed back and forth between the two a lot. It was a bit weird playing on it for a few minutes but after some time I was starting to get used to it rather nicely
a - back
s - left
d - forward
f - right
his shift was always either crouch or z, he changed back and forth between the two a lot. It was a bit weird playing on it for a few minutes but after some time I was starting to get used to it rather nicely
esdf is only better than wasd if you are playing quake and have 9 weapons to bind keys for
lootesdf is only better than wasd if you are playing quake and have 9 weapons to bind keys for
It's objectively more comfortable unless you're a handlet.
It's objectively more comfortable unless you're a handlet.
Obligatory Shintaz's config post:
shintazyo aint my fault you’re jealous of such a sick cfg
wasda fag
[quote=shintaz]yo aint my fault you’re jealous of such a sick cfg
wasda fag[/quote]
BND config
bind "f" "+forward" // index finger
bind "SPACE" "+back" // thumb
bind "s" "+moveleft" // ring finger
bind "d" "+moveright" // middle finger
bind "a" "+pjump" // little finger for longjump
bind "CAPSLOCK" "+jump" // little finger for jump
bind "SHIFT" "+mdown" // little finger for crouch
bind "f" "+forward" // index finger
bind "SPACE" "+back" // thumb
bind "s" "+moveleft" // ring finger
bind "d" "+moveright" // middle finger
bind "a" "+pjump" // little finger for longjump
bind "CAPSLOCK" "+jump" // little finger for jump
bind "SHIFT" "+mdown" // little finger for crouch
Someone I know used the qwerty default keys on an azerty keyboard which transposed on qwerty layout gives :
Z forward
S backwards
Q left
D right
Z forward
S backwards
Q left
D right
szxc is shitty but it's what I use since my d key is unresponsive a lot of the time