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ambroon lft high open demo
0 Frags +

high open demo

high open demo
7 Frags +

Tf2center demo, but I'm sure he can improve, really good dm

Tf2center demo, but I'm sure he can improve, really good dm
5 Frags +

really cool guy, strong dm, needs to work on calls, attitude in game, and feeding.
outside of game hes chill and fun to mge w/ could play mid-high open.

havent seen him on soldier outside of pugs and mge tho.

really cool guy, strong dm, needs to work on calls, attitude in game, and feeding.
outside of game hes chill and fun to mge w/ could play mid-high open.

havent seen him on soldier outside of pugs and mge tho.
1 Frags +

my nigga, u weren't cut

my nigga, u weren't cut
3 Frags +

has some parent problems from time to time but iz good @ demolitions man

has some parent problems from time to time but iz good @ demolitions man
3 Frags +

Great demo, i haven't seen him tilt while playing with him and has been really nice.

Great demo, i haven't seen him tilt while playing with him and has been really nice.
3 Frags +

from the depths of tf2 center ambroon rises to frag in open

Nice person with good dm, can't say anything about how he is in a team environment

from the depths of tf2 center ambroon rises to frag in open

Nice person with good dm, can't say anything about how he is in a team environment
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