Hey there, wanted to throw my request in for a stream.
Desc: Would stream mostly TF2 content. Scrims, pugs, lobbies, pubs. Occasionally other games as well.
Experience: Playing scout on esea open team Hanky Panky currently. Formerly of the GunRunners in UGC platinum for many seasons. I also sub every now and then in UGC Gold division for Backcap Butchers.
Country: United States
Thanks in advance!
Hey there, wanted to throw my request in for a stream.
Desc: Would stream mostly TF2 content. Scrims, pugs, lobbies, pubs. Occasionally other games as well.
Experience: Playing scout on esea open team Hanky Panky currently. Formerly of the GunRunners in UGC platinum for many seasons. I also sub every now and then in UGC Gold division for Backcap Butchers.
Country: United States
Thanks in advance!