Hi i'm Finegan
looking to play roamer or pocket in open
Past Experience:
S24 Unconditional Family Harem (3-13)
edit: Add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198198524733
Hi i'm Finegan
looking to play roamer or pocket in open
Past Experience:
S24 Unconditional Family Harem (3-13)
edit: Add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198198524733
i met this guy in mm when i started playing the game,idk how he is in real 6s but he was amazing at that and hes a rly nice person
death merchant gamer
Finegan has been a good friend of mine ever since Newbie Mixes, he's been improving at a very fast rate and shows no signs of stopping. He's very kind and doesn't tilt, don't let his past experience deceive you, if he can find a team that can help him work on his gamesense a bit more he could be a solid pick up for playoffs open imo.
edit: he also has a soundboard that has a response to anything you could ask, be warned