Sick of soloqueuing, either nobody wants to play a tank, or else (most of the time) there's at least one leaver or one person simply sitting in spawn and not trying, it's getting really frustrating.
I placed at 2.3k, and have been dropping steadily because I haven't had one single decent game. I usually get gold damage + kills on dps, but the games are always one-sided. Any other tf2 people want to duo-queue or triple-queue with me?
Add me: Superfuzz#11330
Sick of soloqueuing, either nobody wants to play a tank, or else (most of the time) there's at least one leaver or one person simply sitting in spawn and not trying, it's getting really frustrating.
I placed at 2.3k, and have been dropping steadily because I haven't had one single decent game. I usually get gold damage + kills on dps, but the games are always one-sided. Any other tf2 people want to duo-queue or triple-queue with me?
Add me: Superfuzz#11330
Yeah I'm aware of, but I was hoping to find some good ol' tf2 people specifically.
Yeah I'm aware of, but I was hoping to find some good ol' tf2 people specifically.
I don't really play a lot since I don't have a computer with me that's currently capable of running overwatch but I can tell you that from my time in that general MMR rank that Zarya and Roadhog (that is assuming that the PTR changes of him don't go through >:C ) are probably your best bets to climbing if that's what you want to do
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I don't really play a lot since I don't have a computer with me that's currently capable of running overwatch but I can tell you that from my time in that general MMR rank that Zarya and Roadhog (that is assuming that the PTR changes of him don't go through >:C ) are probably your best bets to climbing if that's what you want to do
no one goes to to find people to queue with and if they do it's gm+ players
no one goes to to find people to queue with and if they do it's gm+ players