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OZF 19 IM UPP: ma tema jeff vs. S A D B O Y S
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Tonight 8pm AEST on CappingTV we will be broadcasting the ozfortress season 19 IM Upper Page Playoffs with ma tema jeff vs. S A D B O Y S.

This will be casted by Snazzy and Heebs with Thermite on Production.
ma tema jeff | Match | S A D B O Y S

Tonight 8pm AEST on [url=http://twitch.tv/CappingTV]CappingTV[/url] we will be broadcasting the ozfortress season 19 IM Upper Page Playoffs with ma tema jeff vs. S A D B O Y S.

This will be casted by Snazzy and Heebs with Thermite on Production.
[url=https://warzone.ozfortress.com/teams/262]ma tema jeff[/url] | [url=https://warzone.ozfortress.com/matches/722]Match[/url] | [url=https://warzone.ozfortress.com/teams/280]S A D B O Y S[/url]
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