I've decided to start an ESEA-O lft thread since I've been pugging my brains out. This will be my first season of ESEA. I've played over 100 pugs and 1 scrim as backup in a UGC Steel team
Also, don't get me if you hate pre-pub kids.
I've decided to start an ESEA-O lft thread since I've been pugging my brains out. This will be my first season of ESEA. I've played over 100 pugs and 1 scrim as backup in a UGC Steel team
Also, don't get me if you hate pre-pub kids.
Relax with the bumps man, you posted 4 hours ago. Give it time, you'll get some responses.
Good luck.
Why was every player on the speedrun database at tf2jump.com replaced with your name?
Just curious.
HellbentWhy was every player on the speedrun database at tf2jump.com replaced with your name?
Just curious.
Some bug on the website or something, idk.
just a suggestion, have you ever thought of getting some real scrim and match experience before going into ESEA, its fine if you want to go right into ESEA without much scrim or match experience but the more you scrim and play matches, the more you will realize that it is different from pugs especially when it comes to the amount of organization and what plays you can go for.
flippersjust a suggestion, have you ever thought of getting some real scrim and match experience before going into ESEA, its fine if you want to go right into ESEA without much scrim or match experience but the more you scrim and play matches, the more you will realize that it is different from pugs especially when it comes to the amount of organization and what plays you can go for.
In my UGC Steel team, they usually don't scrim at all and the starters are always active for the matches, so yeah.