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LF Medic/Team Mentor
posted in Mentoring
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I'm new to 6s, starting off by playing UGC Steel as a Medic.

I would like a personal mentor that can help me out with demo and map reviews once a week or so.

I would also like a team mentor that can help criticize and help my team as a whole.

Thanks in advance. Add me here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/scoutfrombattleborn/

I'm new to 6s, starting off by playing UGC Steel as a Medic.

I would like a personal mentor that can help me out with demo and map reviews once a week or so.

I would also like a team mentor that can help criticize and help my team as a whole.

Thanks in advance. Add me here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/scoutfrombattleborn/
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