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Say something nice about the person above you
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-10 Frags +

show vegina

show vegina
-4 Frags +

edit nvm :/

edit nvm :/
-4 Frags +

Very good aim and gamesense and he forgives people alot.

Very good aim and gamesense and he forgives people alot.
5 Frags +

posts twice in a nice thread so he is REALLY nice

posts twice in a nice thread so he is REALLY nice
1 Frags +

has the Korean flag. Korean women are hot. 10/10

has the Korean flag. Korean women are hot. 10/10
2 Frags +

said hi to me back when i said hi to him in his stream. 10/10 guy

said hi to me back when i said hi to him in his stream. 10/10 guy
1 Frags +

gives good hugs

gives good hugs
1 Frags +


0 Frags +

you're fun to hang with in mumble and a good teammate

you're fun to hang with in mumble and a good teammate
3 Frags +

good e brother and roamer

good e brother and roamer
1 Frags +

Always a pleasant person to be around, and good at shooting rockets at people

Always a pleasant person to be around, and good at shooting rockets at people
3 Frags +

Lives in the same country as me :)

Lives in the same country as me :)
4 Frags +

i bet if you have a wife shes very happy shes with you

i bet if you have a wife shes very happy shes with you
5 Frags +

he is a loyal twitch chatter :)

he is a loyal twitch chatter :)
12 Frags +

best scout world

best scout world
6 Frags +

best scout world

best scout world
4 Frags +

ur funny and good demoman

ur funny and good demoman
2 Frags +

You're Irish and I like Ireland, they gave us two best things - Guinness and Bulow.

You're Irish and I like Ireland, they gave us two best things - Guinness and Bulow.
1 Frags +

i want him to take my by the hand to the land that he understand also he 3.5 stars

i want him to take my by the hand to the land that he understand also he 3.5 stars
1 Frags +

You are persistent with your tasks.

You are persistent with your tasks.
1 Frags +

Spanish people are nice

Spanish people are nice
12 Frags +

I'm not sure if Lithuania exists but if it does then it's pretty cool.

I'm not sure if Lithuania exists but if it does then it's pretty cool.
4 Frags +

he is super random xd

he is super random xd
8 Frags +

helped banished AdasWrath to the shadow realm which shows he cares for the community and protects us from bad shitposters

helped banished AdasWrath to the shadow realm which shows he cares for the community and protects us from bad shitposters
3 Frags +

You are a nice and good person and you are valid and amazing!!

You are a nice and good person and you are valid and amazing!!
3 Frags +

I'd love how good he was as a sniper if it wasn't constantly against me! But for real he's very good at that

I'd love how good he was as a sniper if it wasn't constantly against me! But for real he's very good at that
-2 Frags +

you're entertaining

you're entertaining
6 Frags +

the best UGC asia winner to exist

the best UGC asia winner to exist
0 Frags +

probably a nice and kind person

probably a nice and kind person
-1 Frags +

hi cutie

hi cutie
1 ⋅⋅ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ⋅⋅ 13
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