Hey guys, Sylvester here. I play Medic in Competitive 6v6.
So basically, I'm looking to finish up the UGC S10 Season, or maybe find a starter position on a S11 team. Yes, I practice game sense, know some of it, know what to do, ect. Yes, I am learning to be an amazing Medic by also practicing positioning and when and where to push. Being the main man is always great! I love playing Medic.
Yes, I have a Mic and Mumble.
I love to work with the team. :)
Always looking for a fun, but serious and competitive time. <3
So yeah, just add me here! http://steamcommunity.com/id/sylvestercat
Thank you. :)
Pssst. Maybe I'll be an Open Medic one day. *Wink Wink*