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Tagg's hitsound pitch
posted in Customization
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Definitely a longshot, but tagg used to have a video about console commands in tf2, right? Well, years ago, young me watched that video and used the hitsound max/min dmg pitch values that tagg used in that video and I've been using them since. I lost all my files a few days ago so I'm looking to recreate everything the way it used to be, and the dingalingaling pitch values are the last thing that I'm missing. I tried looking for the video but he seems to have removed it from his channel for whatever reason :/

Does anyone know wtf I'm talking about/uses tagg's values?

Definitely a longshot, but tagg used to have a video about console commands in tf2, right? Well, years ago, young me watched that video and used the hitsound max/min dmg pitch values that tagg used in that video and I've been using them since. I lost all my files a few days ago so I'm looking to recreate everything the way it used to be, and the dingalingaling pitch values are the last thing that I'm missing. I tried looking for the video but he seems to have removed it from his channel for whatever reason :/

Does anyone know wtf I'm talking about/uses tagg's values?
6 Frags +

Reddit can be useful sometimes


"Tagg uses tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 65 and tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 135."

Reddit can be useful sometimes


"Tagg uses tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 65 and tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 135."
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