Our team, The Math Club, had a scout step down and needs a replacement.
Currently our roster is such:
Scouts: pyrotechnic, ????
Roamer: bbz
Pocket: tanner
Demo: icy
Medic: think
coach: thrill
Season 27 was good to us. We learned a lot from our coach and reviewing our demos. We were playing around mid-high open before the roster changes and hope to get to high open asap. We would like to be scrimming IM teams by the end of the season.
We scrim 4 nights a week Mon-Thurs from 9:30-10:30ish.
Add me if interested: https://steamcommunity.com/id/_TannerDuddlez/
Our team, [url=https://play.esea.net/teams/8707158]The Math Club[/url], had a scout step down and needs a replacement.
Currently our roster is such:
Scouts: pyrotechnic, ????
Roamer: bbz
Pocket: tanner
Demo: icy
Medic: think
coach: thrill
Season 27 was good to us. We learned a lot from our coach and reviewing our demos. We were playing around mid-high open before the roster changes and hope to get to high open asap. We would like to be scrimming IM teams by the end of the season.
We scrim 4 nights a week Mon-Thurs from 9:30-10:30ish.
Add me if interested: https://steamcommunity.com/id/_TannerDuddlez/
Tanner is really good and friendly.
Tanner is really good and friendly.
i've enjoyed being on this team!
i've enjoyed being on this team!
This team is awesome and really mature/fun. I loved playing with them and they are going to go far. bbz and tanner pound, think is a brain of a medic and pyro does amazing on scout and soldier. You should join this team!
This team is awesome and really mature/fun. I loved playing with them and they are going to go far. bbz and tanner pound, think is a brain of a medic and pyro does amazing on scout and soldier. You should join this team!
bump, need pocket scout tryouts!
bump, need pocket scout tryouts!
still need a tryout tonight, mid-high open would be great :)
still need a tryout tonight, mid-high open would be great :)
Bump, still looking foe scouts!
Bump, still looking foe scouts!